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It's so very windy


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Originally posted by nick2

I (and a lady walking near me) got blown over at Park Grange Road tram stop this morning.

I've never been blown over before, it was quite fun, but obviously it would have been less fun if I'd got blown under the tram.

I feel an opportunity to use the sentence 'blown by a puff' has been overlooked. :hihi: :hihi:

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My Dog Max has been very restless he wont settle and keeps panting heavily. He's just rushed past me and ttried to get under my desk which has things under it to stop this tactic. Somehow he managed it though and has pulled cables out of my speakers and scanner, my mouse almost got yanked out of my hand and vanished over the back of the desk. Needless to say I'm not to amused and I've had to drag him out forcibly and he's now upstairs and by the sound of it ttrying to get under the bed.

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it's madness out there! really howling a gale. we've been out to town and near the park grange tram stop we were almost blown over. had to fight our way back up the hill.

using the argos bag as some kind of wind surfing equipment is quite handy though:D

i have to go back out in it too!! aarrgghh!!!:o

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