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Tips for a happier bus journey - Bus Passengers Read

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I've not been home from work long and I'm fed up.


There seems to be a dearth of 13/14s? I waited ages last night, then 3 came at once. Tonight, they were late again. I got a 58 instead, but they don't go out from the same stop at the Interchange, so its likely you'll miss one while you try and catch the other.


Both last night and tonight, we travellers were treated to the lovely smell of too much stale alcohol. Different passengers, same rank smell. I wish we had a smellometer on buses and trams :gag:


Last night, the fellow who was a bit drunk was having a go at the bus driver over 20p - he'd given a £5 for a single fare, and was quibbling about his change. Called the driver a *******, and made a few threats. The driver kept his cool and was pretty polite. That was the only good thing about either of the journeys! :roll:

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Right folks its here a SF exclusive,the latest game to hit the streets.

Its time to play "ESP"the rules are quite simple,,,pick a passenger from the line of people at the Bus Stop.

The aim is for that person not to travel on your bus,bonus points are gained if you board all other passengers.

However if you play your trump card you lose points,when playing the trump card this means a clear drive through without stopping.

Addtional points can be gained if person has shopping bags or one of those baskets on wheels.

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I would walk if i could, but unfortunetly my school is exactly 5.6 miles away from my house( i used live map) and there is only one service(if u can call it that)that comes near my house and thats the 76. Which has to be one of the worst bus services ever.



School boy rantings....I Love em

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Wouldnt it be wonderful if the tram went to more places, the staff are pleasant and polite, i have a stagecoach pass which i can use on first buses, can anyone tell me if the first drivers are themselves paying for my fare personally :huh: the looks on their faces are priceless, the miserable old sods :hihi:

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