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Everything posted by mrsnoo

  1. Prince is now open God bless to the mans family
  2. Hi I am interested to find out anything about Pickerings. My Grandmother and Great Aunt worked there in the 40s. Aunty was a time keeper and Grandma was often late so Aunty would dock her 15 mins. off her wages. When Grandma left to get married she recieved a lovely letter of thanks for all her years of work there. She worked for them since leaving school in the 20s. Did you know anyone who worked ther or any history of the firm. I believe it is still making boxes, which says something in this day and age.
  3. I mean the kind for babies. I want to put my new grandchild into towelling nappies and I am having a problem finding the good old fashioned rubbers. Mothercare only sell them with a nappy set, but i don't need that many nappies so I don't was a full kit thing. Anyone got any ideas. In or around the Sheffield area Please
  4. My mom Pat Lambert was in a bowling team some time between 1963 and 1965 when we left Firth Park
  5. The young lad involved in this accident wants to pass on his thanks to people for their concern. Although he is still in a bad way he is in good spirits and is doing relitivly well
  6. Never known of it before but if this is right I will be shopping in town where it is cheeper. I will not look at things just before I have to get a bus home to pick up children from nursery, therefor leaving myself plenty of time to wait in queues
  7. Primark is a cheep shop at best of times Perhaps not a shop for POSH Meadowhall and its high rents. Not known of another shop in Meadowhall doing this. Maybe they are going to set a trend. All I am saying is Be Aware of the price difference in Meadowhalls Primark.
  8. Having seen a jacket in the primark in sheffield and not having the time to wait to be served, I have been to the prinmark at Meadowhall. The same jacket is twice the price (even though it is still reduced) as it costs in town. When I asked why I was told that Primarks work as different stores. IE not the same company and can reduce items at different levels. I explained that as I wanted the coat but was not willing to play double the price I would go back to town and buy the other things I also wanted from there. The answer was .........Well that is how we work. What a rip off. So be aware check all the prices and then go to town and buy cheeper.
  9. My mom bowled there in the 60s Can't remember the name of the team but Mom has a trinket box that they won.
  10. Can anyone remember anything about the Sheffield Vulcan Cycling Club? My Grandfather used to be a member and won trophies in the (I think) 1920s. I can not seem to find anything out about where they were situated, started or disbanded.
  11. I keep seeing fitzhubert road mentioned. Has anyone any photos of the street? My father was born there in the 30s at 164 they were Lamberts. Anyone know of them? I am interested in anything (Good or Bad ) to do with them.
  12. I can't remember the shops but my father lived where KFCs car park now is. He didn't live there long. His father moved there when dad was doing National Service (and didn't tell him) and dad was married soon after. Remember going there in the late sixties.
  13. Thanks Greybeard This makes sence to me as the death was 1871. The pub that she lived in was the Royal Hotel and on "Tinsley Road".
  14. Can we please have more interesting facts about Attercliffe. Really enjoying this thread,as I am researching family from Clifton Street and Attercliffe Road. Was Attercliffe Road ever called Tinsley Road as I have death cert. saying that my Great great died on here. Hope you can help Bluebird 62
  15. Twirly the picture you are talking about was taken outside Victoria Station in Sheffield when the band was on its way to Paris.I think it was taken in1912
  16. Hi Roux Mr Blaby was still at Waltheof in 1999 when my yopungest daughter was going there. Mr Batty was a union rep for the teachers as I remember him being on the news when teachers were goin on strike sometime in the 80s. I had to tke my youngest out of Waltheof because of bullying and they were not very helpful. She then went to a wonderful school where bullying was addressed and delt with straight away. Still I had happy times at Waltheof but that was when teachers ruled the school not the kids who went we also had respect for most of the teachers. Right I cqan now get off the soap box.
  17. Roux Other teachers at Waltheof were Miss Sarson head of girls Mr Marshall head of boys Pop (Mr Popalswaith) head teacher Mr Cooper Mr Winters french Mr Batty science I.P.Smith and Mr Carter art. Miss Becket Mr Edwards music Mr Blaby german. Can not remember many more at the moment BobsGirl .. Yes I believe John Rawson did become head of Hind House Sorry for the delay in answering probs. with internet!
  18. Roux I probebly know you If you remember Faith Milton it is possible we were vin the same class. I also agree with the "tin ribs" Tunnard part althought I had Miss Becket. She was hard but fair.
  19. For me it would be Faith Milton at Acres Hill in the early 70s She would take kids youth hosteling at weekends and holidays. I have her to thank for my love of country walking even now. Also John Rawson at Waltheof (when teachers were in charge-not kids) He was understanding and easy to talk to which made learning maths a bit easier.
  20. I did a Y.O.P.(youth opertunities programm) in the 70s. My first weeks wage £19.50 It was a fortune then.
  21. There are some back to back houses near the mosborough police station. These are not old houses but relitivly new well in the last 15 to 20 years. I was surprised at how compact they are and they do seem quite nice for a single person to live in.
  22. these came from Darnall or Attercliffe but thanks all the same
  23. I am doing the usual....the family tree. I know that my great great grandfather was called James Barnard he was married to Margaret {Banks or Kell} He was a toll bar keeper until Margaret died in 1870ish. I have then found that he married again to a Fanny and thatt they had 3 more children called Fanny Gertrude and Charles .I also know that they had a grand-daughter called Fanny {i think her surname was Smith}.They lived at 11 Warden Street in Attercliffe cum Darnall in the 1881 census. James came from Pontifract. After this i am lost. All his children from his first marriage have died and so have his grandchildren .When talking to what remainds of his family no one ever mentions that he was married twice or anything about these other children. Is there anyone out there who could be related to him in any way?
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