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Everything posted by ccit

  1. What was the purpose of taking the doctor's photograph? You had no right to do that and it rather sounds as if you were lucky not to have been removed from the premises by security. Taking someone's photograph without permission is an infringement of privacy IMO, especially when that person is doing his or her job of work.
  2. Bit off topic (sorry) but 'Norfolk Street' and 'Long As' comes to mind (as we Sheffielders say).
  3. Well, as long as it not the woman with the everlasting long face - name of Beckham I believe? LOL
  4. I agree with your comments but to me there is nothing wrong with being inspired by someone - it is not a case of sticking a label on them. Who can fail to be impressed by the work of Simon Weston and other people who have turned disability into ability? Credit where credit is due IMO. Pain has been my constant companion for many years and if thinking of someone else's journey gives some hope then surely there is nothing wrong in that? Please let me have my bit of hero worship in a sad and embittered world. Sadly, post #12 is indicative of why this job should not be passed to GPs. Their responsibility is to prescribe treatment so that the patient can return to society, not provide excuses as to why they shouldn't.
  5. It is very easy to criticise ATOS staff but theirs must be a difficult job. We live in an age of great medical advances, better health care and living conditions, yet the number of claimants continues to rise. At one time it was the bad back that prevailed - now it is psychological illness, despite the fact that there is very effective treatment available. it is a fact that the longer someone is on benefits, the less likely it is that they will return to paid or voluntary employment. The government needs to help people to get back into work, even if it is in a protected environment. Research has shown that employment is actually beneficial as long as the person is supported. It is such a shame to see young people languishing on benefits instead of being helped to achieve. The Paralympics last year showed us all what can be done, despite severe limitations. Years ago I was introduced to someone who was totally blind and in consequence easily scored the required points to stay at home. Instead, she went to her job as advocate, helping others with their problems. She and others like her are an inspiration. It seems that people are having a difficult time with ATOS and it clearly needs to improve but there is more than one side to any argument and these people are only human - they have to listen and try to make sense of a complex system.
  6. That sounds like a great option Tanktwo - thank you very much for posting. I had considered the pitched tiled roof myself but wondered whether the foundations were good enough to support it. A conservatory company had suggested solar glass but the Velux windows sound a better option. As you say, a builder would be needed for this sort of conversion.
  7. I had an existing conservatory extended some years ago and it was done by a conservatory company (not a very good one I might add). However, it has been largely OK - had a small leak which has been repaired. I suppose it could be either/or so my advice would be to get several quotes and to write down the various suggestions along with the prices. Make sure you get the quotes including electrics and plastering. The only other thing that I can suggest is to think carefully about the roof. If you want glass it might be a good idea to think about solar glass as it is said to be better for insulation and also for deflecting the heat in summer. Mine is K glass but the place gets too bright and hot in summer, too cold in winter despite having two sizeable radiators. Air conditioning units are good because they provide both heat and cold. You would need to factor this into the budget. Some people recommend underfloor heating but that doesn't take care of the heat in summer. Another option might be to have a proper roof put on it and you would get good use out of it year round with lower energy bills. However, I would imagine that you would need an experienced builder to assess whether the foundations are good enough to take it.
  8. Do you realise that it is within Rotherham Borough Council and not Sheffield? To some people that matters, so I thought I would mention it. On the subject of whether it's a good place to live, I would imagine it is like anywhere else - there are good parts and not so good. Maybe it would help if you identified the specific locale that you are thinking of moving to. Personally, I have never considered Swallownest a bad area to live but then we all have different views.
  9. Oh, it is sad that she is so unhappy on her own. Do you know anyone who has any friendly dogs that you could meet up with? It might just encourage her a little and exercise is always good for chasing away the blues, in dogs as well as humans.
  10. I've just had a thought - what about keeping an eye on Boxer Rescue? They are always looking for good, experienced homes. If you are not ready yet, maybe they could put you on a waiting list. If it is any help, I was in the same position as you earlier this year. One of my dogs died and I had always been concerned that her daughter would not like to be alone (she has always lived with other dogs). My friend offered me a 2 1/2 year old who was also used to living with other dogs so she brought her to visit for a couple of hours. All went well then a few weeks later she came to stay. Happily, they both get on great and it has livened up my existing dog, who is almost 10 years old. I think she might have languished without company.
  11. You are very sensible in looking for an older bitch, not a puppy. Keep a close eye on here and on the rescue sites and maybe just the right dog will be there. If you could just say a bit more about the type of bitch you are looking for it would be helpful because people on here could watch out for one with your preferences. My condolences for the loss of your Boxer and I do hope that you will find another friend as companion to your current dog and for you to love and care for.
  12. Having spent several hours last week researching this very subject, I do wonder why there is such a dearth of suitable and affordable courses. I managed to find several companies who do one or two day intensive courses but they are expensive and I for one could not cope with that level of intensity. Sheffield College has a 10 week, 3 hour evening sessions course. I telephoned Red Tape as advised by Hitech in an earlier post and they have nothing but put me on to the BBC - nothing there either. WEA (Workers Education Association) used to do something in web design but have nothing at the moment. Rotherham College have 15 week courses using Dreamweaver. The next one will be the latter half of January 2013 if they decide to run it. They will know towards the end of November if the course is to be held so prospective students should telephone then. The college have two other courses running in web design.
  13. Humyo might be worth looking at if only for the comparison chart that the website contains.
  14. I'm pleased to see your endorsement of the company Mr Shaw because I too have had satisfactory dealings with the company. Whilst I agree with the comments about correspondence in this instance they were very helpful and supportive. Although they do not see people at their offices (they have no reception), they did not turn me away when I called some time ago.
  15. This sounds very interesting. Please could you let us know the approximate cost of such courses and how many weeks you have to sign up for? Also, what software do you teach? I did a mini course once and it was WebPlus, which I bought quite cheaply but I draw the line at paying for Dreamweaver as it is so expensive.
  16. I think that you will really need to invite the companies to your home for proper estimates. However, you could telephone a few and submit your measurements to them. So much depends on the type of grass you choose - there are many, some better than others. The more expensive ones tend to look more natural, particularly if they have some 'thatch' in them. At a (very rough) guess for that size you would be looking at a sum of at least £800/£1,000 but do make some enquiries yourself. There is a lot of ground work to be done: Lifting existing turf (skip needed) Level/roller ground Apply dust/gravel mix and level Underlay Grass Sand There is a lot more to it than it would first seem. If you go to a few garden centres you will be able to work out a rough price yourself but it will only be for the grass of course. There is a chap in Rotherham indoor market that does it - can't remember his name. We had Lazy Lawn and like it very much indeed, particularly as we have dogs. Ours is a larger area than the one you describe. It was very expensive but is maintenance-free and looks lovely.
  17. The fact that she would have been due in season has no bearing on this at all. The hormones left the blood stream long ago - the bitch cannot be affected by these as she no longer has them. I'm glad to see that you are considering professional help and hope that this can be sorted. Good luck.
  18. It is not unusual for bitches to become 'touchy' for a few weeks after speying due to the sudden drop in hormones. This can happen even if they were operated on at the correct time of their cycle. Within two to four weeks they are usually fine. However, this one was speyed in March which is five months ago so I really can't see that it has any bearing on the situation. It is not really something that any of us can help with. Remember that the OP states that the child was only stroking the dog - not teasing her or taking food away. When a dog has bitten, tried to bite (or nipped) even once it could lead to more serious injury at a later date. This is potentially a risky situation and the OP needs to seek professional help ASAP in order to ascertain what is going on.
  19. I would doubt whether this has anything to do with her being speyed or due to age. The growling is the dog trying to tell you that she is not happy - a warning in fact. As she has tried to bite your child I would strongly advise you to see a vet for a check up and a good dog behaviourist. It could be far worse next time. Meanwhile, it might be safest to keep the child away from the dog and vice versa.
  20. Very pleased to hear that you have made contact with some good breeders. Often it is the case that you telephone one and although they don't currently have puppies themselves, because they are experienced members of a breed club they will know other people who do so it is really a network. If more people took time and care before purchasing a puppy the less scrupulous breeders would go out of business.
  21. Being new to dog ownership, it is understandable that you should want a puppy. They are hard work but enjoyable. There is a huge learning curve if you haven't had one before so I am glad that you have registered with the Lhasa forum. You are doing exactly the right thing by asking for advice and learning all you can before purchasing a pup. Well done and if you do go ahead and get a Lhasa, do let us know.
  22. You are right to be wary of Internet pet sale sites although not all advertisers are bad - you just have to ask the right questions and gain a feel for the situation. Do follow those links to the breed clubs that I gave you in my previous post. They will not only be able to advise you about the breed but may well have a list of members with puppies. These puppies will be expensive but possibly equal to or only slightly more money than you would pay for a pup from an Internet site. You should get a good, well bred puppy from an experienced breeder with full pedigree and health checks done. Because your colour choice is so specific you might have to wait a while. *The Lhasa Apso Club is back on line - link here. Includes puppy buying advice and also a list of breeders. Also check out the Kennel Club list of Lhasa breeders.
  23. Thank you sami88 - will give it a try because if it works then perhaps I won't have to convert the file.
  24. Because you haven't said whether you want a puppy or not, I just want to add that if you are going down this route, there is plenty to think about. Have a look at this page on the Dogs Trust website - it has lots of information about how to choose a puppy plus ethical considerations. Here are some useful links: Lhasa Apso Forums Midland Lhasa Apso Association Lhas Apso Club (site unavailable at time of posting). Also read up about inherited conditions and be sure that the dam and sire have had appropriate screening tests. Take your time and learn as much about the breed as you can before purchasing. Well done for asking for advice and not just leaping into getting one without thought.
  25. Puppy or older dog? If you are interested in a rescue dog, the website here might be useful.
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