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Everything posted by lauss77

  1. They are fantastic! No catch and for charity!
  2. I went to classes at Mansel school. Then sat the test at Northern College. Hilsborough College is god too.
  3. YES! I am a social worker and use it regularly. Google the number.
  4. I am a children's Social Worker and my advice would be as above. Contact each Local Authority you know you may have been placed with. You may wait a while for a response. However, Social Workers are very aware that individuals who have been looked after will want to trace their routes, create time lines and generally understand what, why, whom and when. Sadly, records are sometimes lost or destroyed after time, but I think you stand a good chance. Hopefully you know the name of your old Social Worker? If you do and know which authority they worked for, this may be of help when you make contact with Children's Services. All the best to you and I really hope you find what you are looking for. Don't give up. it takes a lot of digging for you and them! They will be paper files that will be archived and not easy to find. PS, they do not have the right to with hold information about you now that you are an adult, unless you are deemed as not having mental capacity (in other words, incapable of making informed decisions about oneself). You will probably be offered the opportunity to read your file alongside a staff member. You will not be able to take it home. Good luck!!!!
  5. Playa Blanca in Lanzarote is lovely. Go there evry year and stay in a villa.
  6. Can you get a card if you work for Sheffield city council?
  7. I am looking for a woman named Mary O'neil, who I would like to say a big thank you to. I believe she no longer lives in Sheffield, but you may still have contact with her? Obviously I would not expect personal details. However may be information could be passed to her.
  8. I have also just started running and I am quite slow. I stick to running in busy areas (Penistone Rd at Rush hour is ideal). Good long flat run, with lots of people around.
  9. The Wig and Pen and Ha Ha bar are classy.
  10. I met my partner on a blind date and we met at the Ha Ha bar, neat the peace gardens. Was lovely and we are still together 2 years later! The Wig and Pen on Campo Lane is also lovely. Good luck!
  11. The car looks like it has two bullet holes in the windscreen?
  12. The Wig and Pen on Campo Lane do beautiful Tapas. Classy bar and restaurant. Love it.
  13. I am looking for a woman called Mary O'neil. She used to work in Sheff as a careers advisor. I know she moved away, I think she went back into social work. Would really love to contact her to thank her for the support she offered me a few years ago and tell her what I have now achieved. Any help would be much appreciated.
  14. You need to go and fill in the form. You will also have to show a couple of recent payslips. Then you will be given a card.
  15. I think it's got worse down Fargate due to the cheap shops such as Primark and the 99 pence shops etc...
  16. You can get a card for the company shop. It's not called Marrons anymore.
  17. There are no decent nightclubs in Sheffield anymore. Hot pants on the last Sat of each month at the City Hall is a giggle though.
  18. I wanted to work with children so I went to Uni and trained to be a social worker. I now work with children and parents. It's a long slog, but worth it.
  19. Lol. This is just like my thread! I went for my interview yesterday. Went ok actually. They were pretty respectful (after I told them I had a degree lol).
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