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About jamesrw

  • Birthday 22/11/1986

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  1. Because who wants to spend a second longer than they have to with scummy dirty people on trams?
  2. I went down west street last Saturday morning and was shocked at how dirty the City was. All round tesco it looked like it hadn't been cleaned for weeks. I was dodging half-eaten kebabs, piles of sick, you name it. It was absolutely disgusting. Bear in mind this was at midday! I know there's the usual amount, but after showing friends where I'm currently living, we decided not to eat up there because it was so horrible. I felt quite ashamed actually, and embarrassed. Is cleaning streets not one of the most fundamental things we pay for? Or perhaps the council have their priorities misplaced.
  3. That's interesting, so your brain is 100% accurate on your speed, so you can judge it exactly to the mile an hour then? I think not. The reason people are fixated on the speedo because if they are 2 - 3 mph over, and it feels different in different vehicles as to how fast you are actually going, you get points and a fine. I don't think anyone's confident enough to judge it THAT accurately. It's not worth not keeping your eyes on the speedo. For example in a 10 year old car it actually feels like you are going fast as you can hear the sound of the engine, in modern more quiet cars you can be driving much faster than you actually think you are.
  4. I find funny the socialist worker campaigns down fargate every so often. "Passengers before profit, etc, etc" Er it's a private company, it's profit before passengers. You DO have a choice in the matter whether or not to use a bus. Although I agree it is an utter rip off, and I am glad I walk / tram / drive to work.
  5. How do you propose this would work? I presume the taxi's would need to be driven by women too then?
  6. That's fair enough. OT: I think your signature is so so wrong Life is exactly what you make it, people dont understand what that actually means and just shrug it off. If you think hard about it you can do and be anything you want, Being re-active to life is a recipie for misery and failure, you have more control than you think. I think it's the fact that 90% of people do not recognise this puts the select few at an advantage
  7. If you want a decent shopping experience then go to Leeds, they had some amazing street musicians on Saturday down Briggate, the atmosphere is really nice. But we've been over this one before :s
  8. LOL, the reason I avoid Meadowhall is because of the number of prams and screaming kids. Aside from that it's busy, and full of chavs.
  9. Anyone? I'm having real trouble finding a nice winter coat, where's good to buy them? I would like something warm obviously and reasonably trendy Budget is £50 - £70 I've tried H&M and the usual but they are all rubbish Thanks!
  10. Anything's better than this current lot, when can get this country back on it's feet?
  11. Unfortunately message boards breed attitudes like this. I couldn't care less about people's spelling really.
  12. You're thinking as though the universe is what you see, and what you're used to. 200 years ago we thought the Earth was flat, there's no way we can even comprehend what lies in the distant parts of the universe. The universe is expanding at an increasing rate, whos to say that distant particles are not traveling so fast that we will never be able to see the "edge" of the universe? Because the light will never reach us, and we'll never be able to travel fast enough to reach it. The truth is we don't know, so crack open a beer and save yourself the headaches
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