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Everything posted by mjhal

  1. o2 blinds three i have just paid up two of my three contracts and joined 02 so much better
  2. every council estate has problems, i lived on constable rd till i was 14 yrs old that was 28 yrs ago it was great to live there , even private estates have problems
  3. does anyone know of a vauxhall specialist garage in sheffield need help with astra x reg misfiring
  4. i paid by cash, i can get a similar set of chairs for 250.00, i was wondering if i let the insurance company know that, they may up the offer ?
  5. yes i think it is , i have been told the cost of covering the dining chair was not a option due to cost
  6. bought dining table and six chairs from harveys 13 months ago in the sale at £600.00 also purchased insurance cover from them at £35.00, one of the chairs has a hole in the back of the chair due to falling over onto computer table, put a claim into guardsman insurance who have tried to get another chair but cannot as the company has stopped making the milan dining set i have been offered a cash settlement of £50.00 and the insurance policy to keep running too 01/04/2014 or £100.00 and the policy would then be terminated, is that a good offer ? only thing is i would have to buy 6 different chairs costing a lot more than offer , as we need 6 chairs
  7. i know that junction , cars parked outside shops on left hand side going down twentywell leaves just enough room for vehicles passing both ways safely just, if vehicle is parked on opposite side on double yellow lines only one vehicle can pass
  8. van parked on double yellow lines---at fault parked on double yellow lines at a junction---at fault
  9. just drove past new name up o crumbs sandwich shop
  10. i think all person is doing, is trying to find out if any problems with psalter lane before buying. can not fault them, propertys on their are quite expensive
  11. try on the spot tyres just next door to bloomers cafe, abbeydale rd
  12. i am after a english bull terrier pup we lost our 3yr buster in march to kidney faliure due to one kidney not forming properly, miss him dearly think its now time to pass our love onto another bull
  13. all boilers should be seviced once a year, i have a 5 yr guarantee on my boiler only if its serviced once a yr it only costs £45.00 hope this helps
  14. done a lot of building work on psalter lane , apart from traffic passing through, its a lovely area
  15. drove past blackstock rd tip all locked up-- still two cars full of rubbish banging on gates
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