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Everything posted by jane2008

  1. Already this morning a car has slid (is that a word?) into our parked car. Hardly any damage luckily! Also my neighbour has fell on his path.
  2. I've noticed this for quite a while now and it's really distracting. I can't listen to what he says cus I'm just waiting for him to do it again!!
  3. Well if thats the case my mental image of Jabberwocky is across between Meatloaf and Elton John, dressed in a peach silk dress and the dress has big yellow flowers on it.
  4. Please Mr Jabberwocky would you please show me a picture of you in a peach dress? It may remove the mental image of you that I have. I have asked nicely.
  5. Mistyraven. My bin was emptied yesterday but my neighbours was not. She rang the council and they came and emptied hers today.
  6. Pattricia. What pics? My imagination has now gone into over drive:o
  7. Sorry I got the number wrong. It's 2345136.
  8. I've found one at Stannington. Is this Sheffield 6. If so the number I've got is 2234516
  9. I can't begin to describe the mental image I have of Jabberwocky:D
  10. Since reading this thread yesterday 3 more people in my area now know that their loft insulation has not been put back properly. So thanks ann for letting us know about it.
  11. My sympathies are with you TYPS. I haven't had exactly the same problems as you, but I have found it pretty hard going.
  12. I don't know you Foxy but I'm glad you enjoyed it and congratulations:thumbsup:
  13. The crispy noodles were the only thing I liked about Vesta Chinese meals. I've no idea of anywhere to buy them from now. I hope someone on here can tell us.
  14. Cheers ann. I wish I'd had the same experience as MR BENN when my refurbishment was happening but unfortunately as you can tell I didn't.
  15. Unfortunately, I can't go up there and do it myself, but I did re-paint my kitchen walls and ceiling after the kitchen was flooded. Oh and I did find the source of the leak they caused after 3 different plumbers had supposedly fixed it. I also re-laid my daughters bedroom carpet after it was left in a dangerous condition. So dig away all you want, cus I haven't rung them because I can't be bothered to do it myself it's because I cant.
  16. Checked it out and my loft insulation is all piled up together. Rung council, just waiting for someone from Bramhalls to get back to me.
  17. Brilliant to hear your dog is on the mend.
  18. If he's pleaded guilty, it's my guess he'll be back out in 5 years.
  19. I'm with MR BENN on this one. I've never used one of those self-service machines. You wouldn't imagine that your crunchy nuts (cornflakes) would be in peril at the checkout though would you?
  20. Hope your dog is OK. Don't forget to keep us updated. I hope you are OK too.
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