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Everything posted by aldam2

  1. Thanks for all replies she's going to trial at red rose u11s tomorrow and handsworth girls team next Monday x
  2. My daughter wants to try out for goalkeeper is it OK for her to come down?
  3. Have you got a contact number please for Hillsborough pumas girls team?
  4. My daughters 10 in august and wants to join a football team. Any trials locally to s5 please x
  5. I have milk delivered only a pint a day, but lovely to know if I run out, I will wake up to a pint on my doorstep. He says how funny it is how popular he suddenly becomes when it snows !!! gets people chasing him down street asking if hes got any spare milk!!!!
  6. Ladies wrist watch found in carpark, at northern general hospital, herries road end. Found Tuesday 22nd October, luckily not wet or damaged. Not a expensive make, but very nice. Lost property have been notified and ive place a advert on lost section on here. If it belongs to you or anyone you know, then please message me. Lets get it reunited with its rightful owner x
  7. Yep we got married in cuba too almost 3 years ago, as im divorced we had to get my divorce papers translated etc but after that it was a breeze, no stress or anything on the day, lovely pics, staff fussed over all our party of 19 for the entire holiday etc, really was a wonderful experience x
  8. Has anyone used the vets in pets at home? Are they anygood? My cat has a small bald patch on his back nothing major just a bit crusty to touch but doesnt seem to bother him in anyway. Ive lost confidence in my usual vet as I feel he charged me last time for unnecessary treatment (different condition). anyone know approx cost for consultation? I dont mind paying for fair treatment, but dont want to be charged for tests, treatment and procedures that arnt essential or needed x
  9. Glad you found him, i feed a couple of mangey strays on my back yard, and ofcourse end up with several more free loaders that just come for a feed, but i would never let them in the house. One of the ferals is getting on a bit so my husband has build him a shelter so he has somewhere to go when its cold and raining.
  10. I got one from morrisons last week, its on the racks inbetween hair dyes and products.
  11. I live just behind club on bellhouse road, i have a massive garden and feed a couple of feral cats on a regular basis, as a result i always have a garden full of cats coming for a free feed. Ive not seen your cat, but ive looked at the picture and will definatley keep an eye out for her, x hope she turns up soon x Id be devastated if my two ginger furballs disappeared. x
  12. My mum once bought me a "IRONING BOARD" because id just moved into our first house and "needed one" apparantly ? :huh: The the following christmas my husband bought me two watches??? thing a dodgy bloke had gone round his firm selling em? so hubby bought me 2??? It was then my birthday the 1st of march, and guess what he bought me ??? another bloody watch. :loopy::loopy:
  13. monster munchies deliver, there based at sheffield 5, bellhouse road. Tel ; 2454252 191 bellhouse road, Hot and cold food with free delivery x I had a couple of sandwiches from there and they were nice x hope this helps
  14. Update, A couple of weeks ago, we tragically lost our beloved pet cat charlie, to a dog attack, he was pratically blind and very slow (he was atleast 12 yrs old). Anyway the same week we lost him i saw a advert on here for someone to offer a loving home to a 2 year old neutred tom cat call "charlie". I contacted the lady and shes been for a visit to see me today and meet my other ginger ninger "jasper" and next week we are offering a home to charlie the 2nd. My little ginger ninger is a sociable little fella so im not worried, 2 sad episodes for both of us, making hopefully a happy outcome x
  15. if you go to pets at home they sell frontline, and i think you can get it from pharmacy counters lloyds have it and i think ive seen it at asda pharmacy, its cheaper off the internet, but takes a few days to come, pets at home at wadsley bridge have a advise counter they will help x
  16. hi not sure if my phones sending messages or not, its having a moment, yes we have a massive garden, not on a main road, i have a magnetic catflap and loads of spare magnets. Im a sucker and feed a feral tom and a few chancers that frequent my garden lol x I have a 15month old ginger neutered tom, who is pining for him old mate (charlie) who was tragically killed by a dog a week ago (not dogs fault, he was on a lead and charlie who was almost blind just stepped out in front of him). We all miss him like mad and the girls 8 and 10 want a friend for jasper, im notsure im ready to get another so soon, but i feel this is some sort of omen (same name etc), if someone else wants him then thats ok, but if you get stuck we will gladly offer him a home. My ginger ninger (jasper) is very easy going and laid back, he plays with all the cats that come to my door step for a free feed, so dont worry yours wont be bullied x
  17. thank you everyone for your kind words, the builders even offered to dig him up if i wanted so i could bury him in the garden, but we decided to let him rest in peace where he was. I miss him as do my kids, but i also have a 15month ginger tom who is defo pining for his mate? kids want us to get a friend for him, i feel its too soon, but im a sucker for taking in waifes and strays, Jasper is a rescue cat, and charlie decided he wanted to live with us 12yrs ago. what do you guys think? theres one on here called charlie (omen or what) someones trying to rehome? hes a ginger tom also neutered 2yr old?
  18. Heard rumours otherday that a dog had killed a cat on our street. To cut a long story short, turns out it was my elderly almost blind 14 yr old tom cat. Story is he stepped out straight infront of the dog before the young lad who had it on a lead had change to react? After a severe beating the dog eventually let my cat go and some kind builders put his body in a binbag and took him back to there yard. He had a collar on but no contact details. After 2 days of trying to find his owner? they buried him in there yard (builder is a cat lover luckly). R.I.P charlie old mate, x your little ginger ninger is missing you big time thats for sure, as are all us x Just hope dog owner is more alert in future now his dog has a taste for blood, i have another small cat and there are several more on the street x
  19. Hi i live at shiregreen and one of my neighbours is missing two of his cats, both ginger aged about 8. Ones been missing a few months the other about a month. Could be his? pm which road you on and i will let him know?
  20. Hi sad news R.I.P little kitty, im the owner of a small ginger cat and live at shiregreen, but mines snuggled up with me on the sofa so hes not mine, so anyone who knows me JASPERS safe and sound x Sad news for someone else though x x x
  21. Your missing cat isnt a smokey coloured one with a white chest is it, missing in shiregreen a while ago, advert was put on here somewhere? because i have seen that one in my garden a month or so ago and tried ringing number on advert to see if it was still missing but didnt get a reply? x
  22. Yes sorry, it was definetly a grey tabby, not seen her today but will sit in the garden later with a tin of tuna and see if she appears, :(
  23. no its definetly not that one, this ones only a juvenile and is more grey tabby than brown. sorry x
  24. Ive just tried to catch a rather timid female grey tabby cat, shes not very old and is wearing a baby pink collar. Her front leg is trapped in the collar which is why i was trying to catch her. Shes very scared and although she would eat the food i gave her she wouldnt let me get near enough to her to do anything. There are a lot of cats hanging round my garden so I think if shes not been spayed then she will soon be pregnant if not already. I will continue to feed her and try and win her trust, but if she belongs to anyone in the shiregreen area then message me please. Same thing happened to me 2 years ago involving a black cat with her leg stuck in collar, took me a week and i won in the end, RSPCA came and took her and she had quite a infected cut where the collar had dug in, so i dont give in easy, just hope this one hasnt got a belly full of kittens though like the last one had.
  25. Theres an upholsterer at southey green, near southey green library. Talbot Upholstery 6 southey hill sheffield s5 8bd tel 2321839. dont know if hes anygood or not but hes been there a few years so must be doing alright x hope this helps x
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