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About Korky

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  1. Or maybe the lefties might choose to adjust their record, rather than preach bile when they want and deem it acceptable, but decry others who do the same. I find them amusing, to say the least. And - if that was the best answer you have, my point is clearly well-founded.
  2. They don't have to be Nazi sympathisers, just people who smile when they see crass hypocrisy being dished out by the left-wingers among us who accuse others of intolerance and hatred.
  3. Is that the kind of tolerant, good-will-to-all view that we should expect from left-wingers? Or are they just more prejudiced and more hypocritical than the right-wingers they choose to demonise? Just asking . . .
  4. Don't be harsh on yourself. It's no longer illegal - you keep your chin up, proud of what you are and all that!
  5. 'ark at 'er. Has something irked you, petal? Rest assured he would not wish to .
  6. Not at all - don't be all touchy about the subject. I merely suggest that children in care will tend to come from dysfunctional or criminal families, and that such families are less likely to made up of bright, capable people. Given that bright kids tend to come from bright parents, it is therefore also reasonable to assume that dim parents will, on average, produce dim kids. Forget assumption, we know that to be the case. Now, if that's ignorant, I'd like to know why. It's merely based on a little logic and accepted understanding of evolution and anthrapology. You may choose to differ - for the sake of argument, it would seem.
  7. Hooray for the logical judgement of the normal English man I can barely believe that anybody would manufacture and market such a hideous product, let alone what sort of creature would wish to buy them
  8. That'll be a communist regime you mean - just a short step from socialism.
  9. Do not overlook the obvious. Children in care tend to come from broken, dysfunctional families. They will mostly be at the bottom of the human pile in terms of their intelligence and potential as a result of being born to thick parents. If that were not the case, why would they be in care at all? We should be careful not to blame society for the lack of achievement of people who are incapable of achievement.
  10. Originally Posted by poppins Don't panic, my changes don't last too long Must you dive into a thread purely to have an uncalled-for swipe at a poster, rather than even attempt to make a contribution to the subject under discussion?
  11. That my be one view - a somewhat jaundiced one though I would suggest. Would you care to comment on Britain's leading role in the abolition of slavery, and the many years (and financial commitment) of policing and preventing the slave trade across the world's oceans based on the strength of the Royal Navy? On your other points, what about the education Britain gave to developing nations? Medicines, water systems, roads, working governments, trade links and governmental parenting that continue to this day - much to the satisfaction of those very ex-colonies? Have you travelled to any of them and asked their opinions? Whenever I hear the anti-colonial Brit arguments I have to smile and think of that wonderful scene in The Life Of Brian - what have the Romans done for us? It's simple really. The Romans dragged us into a civilised state, and we in turn did that for a third of the world in recent centuries.
  12. It is a downward spiral for a growing underclass, with no foreseeable solution. Your nephew’s situation is similar to that of many of the policemen I know socially. All good people, nearly all from humble backgrounds, but they have risen up and done something with their lives. They all share deeply saddening frustrations over their lack of empowerment due to criminal rights and European Human rights laws, and the interference in police priorities that has resulted from government targets - and they are the ones who suffer the brunt of the public’s frustration, not the ministers responsible.
  13. There's an endless chain of blame. If the girl's not going to be responsible for the way she is, is the mother responsible for the way she is herself? Can we blame the grandparents/parent, or was that individual not to blame because she had herself little parental guidance? I can't help but think that these people have the same education opportunities as kids who do well, which begs the question, why don't they achieve more through education? It's not just down to bad parenting - some of it must come down to the intelligence they are born with. I strongly believe that dim begets dim - Darwin showed us that much. Our underclasses are stuck where they are, making it very difficult to improve them, because they are (mostly) dim-witted people whose families have little intellect, so their kids inherit a low IQ and little ability with which to drag themselves from the gutter. We cannot blame the education system, or the government, for the spread of human qualities across society. We can, however, blame the government for not limiting their ability to breed.
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