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  1. Apart from which the official candidates list and polling station sites were on the council website over a month ago and have been available for anyone to see who their candidates are : https://www.sheffield.gov.uk/sites/default/files/2024-06/statement_of_persons_nominated_and_notice_of_poll_general_election_0.pdf So nothing should come as a shock really in terms of who you can vote for.
  2. I started my career at HSBC with Midland Bank (as it was then) and had to work 4 months of my probation in that branch. I promise you the Securicor guys were in and out within 5 minutes, if that, probably parking in Rudyard Road across the main road. It's hardly the same as a half or full day moving someone in with beds and wardrobes and having to dodge 2 lanes of traffic and live tram tracks with bulky furniture to get to the flat's entrance. I'm not disagreeing with the premise of redeveloping the site, far from it, but I do think it's a struggle when you've nowhere to unload. I saw a few follow up points saying it happens all over the world; well I'd say pretty much every apartment site has a service entrance (ground level or underground), for dealing with refuse, unloading, deliveries etc. which wouldn't be available here, that's the point I was making.
  3. True, but without any parking whatsoever, how do you move in, where is the removals lorry supposed to park, how do you receive deliveries from Amazon or supermarkets, where are tradespeople supposed to stop if you need them.... it's more than just having somewhere to park a car !
  4. Sparks Laundry next to the Coop on Ecclesall Road South - that's self service while-you-wait as it's where I take things live duvets to wash.
  5. Again you can find out more here Padders : Tax codes: Overview - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) K means it's negative (i.e. you don't have a personal allowance). That's quite common if you have both a state and occupational pension, or state pension and another income such as a part time job. Not sure if that applies to you or not of course.
  6. I'd suggest looking on the HMRC website first to see if anything leaps out in terms of tax code changes : Tax codes: Overview - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) I wouldn't bother with ringing the tax office, you're better off registering for a government gateway ID and doing it all online (assuming here that you haven't already done that). It takes a few days for it to come through as they physically mail it out, but once you've got it you can check all your tax affairs online, and check things like National Insurance contribution history, potential future state pension etc., so quite useful to have. The link to register for online tax is here : Check your Income Tax for the current year - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) It might sound a bit of a faff, but it will save you time in the long run.
  7. I thought the Sheffield flag was a red star, red hammer, red sickle and red crescent on a red background... always seems that way after election time anyhow,
  8. I meant to add by the way... if you look at the leagues on full time, you'll notice that in the u9s league it merely records the teams in the league and how many games they've played. FA rules prohibit capturing or displaying the scores of youth football upto and including u11s. This is to encourage playing the game for fun at those age levels, rather than trying to win at all costs. From u12 upwards whilst the leagues will display W/D/L and points, no goal difference is recorded, so again to discourage teams from trying to beat their opposition by as many goals as they can. At the end of the season, if any league champion, promotion or relegation issues are to be decided, then it is via a play-off game(s) as required. This is also the case in the corresponding SDJFL boys leagues as well.
  9. Bear in mind that the TP Link devices also only have a limited range, so if you've got it plugged in near a window at the back of the house, then depending on how long your garden is you might not get a signal in the annex (though it sounds as though you did have before you changed the router). There would be no point having it in your annex anyway, as if you can get a signal for it to repeat in there, then your phone, tablet etc. should be able to use the underlying signal from the router in the first place. Using a TP Link also effectively halves the capacity of your connection speed as it's having to both send and receive on the same frequency, so can in some circumstances actually make your signal strength weaker at distance. As I said in my previous post, try pairing it in the same room first, there's no need to do 50 yard return sprints each time if you are keeping it in the annex. You may find the WPS is timing out by the time you reach the annex so you've run out of time to pair the device as you only get 30s or so typically (hence do it in the same room - the TP Link will remember the WPS connection credentials once you unplug it).
  10. All the girls play in the Sheffield & Hallamshire Women's and Girls League (I know because I'm a ref in that league). You can find details of the teams and leagues by age group on the FA Full Time website, a link to which is here : Sheffield & Hallamshire Women & Girls League (thefa.com) (Alternatively go the the FA Full timesite, https://fulltime-league.thefa.com/, and in the search box type 'sheff' and click on the 'View All Search Results' option in the dropdown and you'll see the Womens and Girls league listed as one of the options - I mention this as it's easier to remember if you don't bookmark it). Details of each club and their contacts can be found at the SHWGL club website as follows : https://www.shwgl.co.uk/clubs.php Just click on those clubs that seem nearest and most convenient to you and you'll get a list of all the teams and contacts by age group - clicking on the manager link will bring up their email and/or phone number of you want to get in touch with them. The age group you would play in next season is based on the child's age as at September 1st, so if they're 9 on 1st Sep 2024, then they would play in u10 next season. Bear in mind this season has nearly finished now, so you wouldn't be able to register for 23/24 (the deadline was Jan 31st). Most clubs will hold trials etc. over the summer during July and August. June is a closed month during which only very limited tournaments etc. are allowed with County FA permission, and clubs cannot play league games or register players until the new season reopens on July 1st, although some do hold informal kickabouts just to keep kids active. Hope that helps.
  11. Normally it's just using the WPS button... click it on the router (it might be on the rear or side depending on the model), and that should flash for 30 seconds, and during that window click the WPS link button on the TP Link device, and they should pair automatically within a few seconds as long as they're in range of each other. (WPS = WiFi Protected Setup for info). You can pair it in the same room, and once paired then unplug it and move it into the annex - you shouldn't need to sprint between the two.
  12. If they hadn't been loud, and made people look up at the sky and reflect on why they're there in the first place, then there wouldn't have been much point having a flypast I guess ! But I take your point.....
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