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Everything posted by LuckyR

  1. I recentley had my laptop stolen and am looking to replace it. Im looking something around the value of 600-700. I know a bit about them but want other peoples advice. I want something media based, with a 16"+ screen and enough power for a casual gamer, Fear,RA3, Oblivion etc. HMI output is a must Anyone got any suggestions? I've been looking at these phew. I like them becasue of their strong processors and dedicated video card's. Anyone know of anywhere better than PC world aswell http://www.pcworld.co.uk/martprd/store/pcw_page.jsp?BV_SessionID=@@@@0317503575.1234356359@@@@&BV_EngineID=ccfdadeghfhdgjlcflgceggdhhmdgmh.0&category_oid=-27749&selectValues=0,0,0,0,0,0,0&direction=DOWN&page=Comparison&filterArray=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36&fm=null&sm=null&tm=null&product2=671910&product3=176582&product0=421403&product1=940580&number=4
  2. Any advice? This is my only way of getting home. I, thinking it should be pretty safe but don't want to make false assumptions that lead to a 10 mile walk home!
  3. Rajput in commonside, opposite the Springvale. Takeaway is the best in the area. Now they've opened a restraunt which is just as good
  4. Very much boardred it up with signs from securiyt company stating that no valuables have been left in his property
  5. I live in spitting distance of it. Always having lockins....
  6. I've worked clubs before and have checked over the toilet many a time, male only though. Why? Because I've been suspicious of somone doing drugs in said cubicle, and you know what i've been right everytime. I always check under first, you can tell what someone is up to by their feet. If they're sat down with jeans round there ankles then i'm not going to look but if i see two pairs of feet or a suspicious stance then im going to look.... Perfectly justified IMHO as it prevents illegal drugs being taken in the premises. Dont know about carling staff though.
  7. I'm looking for a local boxing gym in Sheffield. Im a complete beginner looking for somewhere friendly. Hoping for somewhere I can attend regualrly 4/5 times a week. Somewhere on the tram would also be great
  8. I'm trying to hold an awards evening/buffet and im strugling with venues. Preferably I need a function room of a bar or the equivalemnt in sheffield city centre on the 28th of April. Guests will be 100+. Its an awards night for an an american football team, the cheerleaders and the oldboys who return from all over the country to play in a game against the current team during the day. It runs till a 11 and then we all go to pop tarts at the union. Its a really good evening. Suggestions?
  9. Does anyone know of any in Sheffield. Im particularly looking for somewhere that sells boerewors. If anyone one knows it would be a great help. Thanks
  10. still in sheffield, dont post much just keep up to date
  11. worth every bit of rubbishness that i feel this morning. adam freeland was awesome despite the sparse attendance
  12. Anywhere in sheffield have NASN and will be showing the draft?
  13. So no one's actualy been there yet people are already writing it off. Defintion of snobbery people!
  14. i have come home today to find my house that i share trashed by my housemates. i mean really trashed . they need professional help cleaing a repairing. is there anyone who does that kind of think on an emergency basis. I HATE MY HOUSEMATES!
  15. but we cannot hold referrenda on every issue, its is why we elect mp's to represent our views. Just remember democaracy during the Greek times was a derrogatry term for rule by the uneducated. Democracy also means not just means rules byt the masses but also protection of minority rights from the oppresion of the elctorate and representation of minority views
  16. Protesting is all about media exposure and getting your message out. This why some resort to violence(or direct action to give it a euthamisim). They believe that by disrupting an event they will highlight their opposition to the event and the reasons for this. I think the recent hunt protest is a an example of successful direct action by highlighting a the lack of representatiion and acess to parliament! The problem with G8 summits such as the one in Genoa is that a small minority use this reasoning to justify randdomly destroying any corporate symbol. Im sure a certain sandwhich outlet on div street must be nervous. Thus the police tend to adopt zero tolerance policys towards uncontrolled protest and tend to keep it away from the actual summit where possible violent protest would pose most danger. So how do we allow those who wish to voice an oppositon and feel protest is the only option available do this peacefully? I agree that you should have the right to protest during the summit. You should be able to hold your placards up with such witty slogans such as "bush the war criminal" and "no more blood for oil" even if i believe most of the protests will be dumb anti-americanism's lacking a meaningful critique of the G8 nations policys. But what restrictions will you accept? You talk of being penned on devenshire green but surely there is enough room for you to protest. The actual distance you are from the buildings that the G8 occupies is only relevant if you wish to actually disrupt the conference which im sure many will try to do(and not just a minority there to destroy things). The police have given you space and time to exercise your democratic right so i would concentrate on making the best of this opportunity of showing how strong oppposition to the g8 summit is. You may feel that being put on dev green marganiles your protest but i think you will find that the media will go where you go. Yes it is not ideal but this is the price we pay for the violence brought about by a minority who disguise themselves under your banner. This is why the police will have so many videoing protests, so they can target troublemakers. I do not doubt that the police will abuse some powers but because your critiques of both policy of the g8 nations and the people protecting them lacks subtlty you will find it hard to highlight them effectivley. Of note something that does bug me is the misusing of concepts. Unless the army will be responsible for crowd control do not suggest that it will be martial law as it will not.
  17. So what is the dress code at republic on a fri night? what gets in what doesnt? smart jeans v trousers, shirt vs trendy t shirt? Ug is by far the best night on a friday though!
  18. but as was pointed out this coverage will provide an oppurtunity to launch their election campaign. i seriously hope that he wasn't arrested becasue he called islam a wicked religion. if he had suggested that action should be taken beacuase of this it is a differnt story though. The laws on religiousand racial incitement worry me. i understand the sentiement. I wacthed recently a man abused on the train simply beacuase he was asian. (I pointed out to the racist that his attacks most likely stemmed from jealousy and ignorance). People should be free from this sort of abuse yet should we legislate against this? should it not be that societey makes the views unnaceptable by default and making those who hold them parriahs, the strongest weapon against racist veiws is a strong counter argument demonsatring the inherent flaws in any racist argument. legislation is a very blunt tool which often takes a sledgehammer to the subtle nuances of arguments involving race. an example is that i believe strand political islam preached by a small minority is a danger to brittish socitey and the politcal system we entertain and thus action should be taken. this does not mean i believe islam is a dangerous religion and it does not mean i want muslim memebership of britain minimised. it means i want the media to report issues such as race more accuratley and those who say shut down plays with threats of violence prosecuted (the same way i want those who suggest bricking the "**** shop" becasue of who they are) Yet will the law be written well enough to enable that kind of debate to take place without stifling restrictions am i making any sense here
  19. My housemate and i really want to go and watch some fights in sheffield. the bigger the better. anyone know of any upcoming fights?
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