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Everything posted by PapaLazarou

  1. Can you imagine Warnock putting up with that?
  2. What a goal between friends eh? Losing 4-0 or 5-0, you’ve had a thrashing either way. Let’s face it - both Sheffield teams have been hammered today. Big time.
  3. *unpayable For some reason I can’t edit
  4. Said so many times that we cannot compete financially in this league. We just can’t. The Prince doesn’t have the personal finances to do so, and thankfully he will only loan against guaranteed future earnings. That restricts us massively, but also means he won’t bankrupt us, because he isn’t loading up unplayable debt. Back to the old “better the devil you know” maybe.
  5. I cannot fathom Wilders selections. Dropping the clubs best defender to the bench in place of a kid that’s had next to no time to train or gel with the team. Not playing Archer. Not playing Hamer. Utterly baffling. Todays thrashing is 100% on Wilder. He really is a buffoon at times.
  6. Most of today’s shambles of a performance has to sit at Wilders feet. Why drop Robinson for a kid that’s been here a day? Why is he not starting Archer? How is Osula better than Archer? And why the hell would you not start Hamer. Totally baffling. Wilder totally screwed up today. I cannot for the life of me see what Wilder had brought to the club during this second tenure. He’s improved very little. I didn’t want him back, and I wish he hadn’t come back.
  7. Tough one this. Fully expect a loss.
  8. KP says he great though. And he’s always right, which means that the majority are clearly wrong.
  9. Oh for goodness sake. No-one is saying it’s any particular club! It’s at most if not all clubs. We all know this. Yours is the one that’s in the spotlight for it at the moment, that’s all. Just try and accept it when something bad happens at your club, instead of trying to constantly deflect.
  10. You’ve dragged up an article from 2020 just to try and score a point against Sheffield United whilst your own club is currently (note the word “currently”, not over 3 years ago) involved in proven racist supporter issues. Why don’t YOU suck it up, grow up, and admit it when an argument doesn’t go your way. You're such a petulant child. (Oh, and just to be clear, Vrsaljko did NOT say that your club is racist. Read before reacting).
  11. Maybe we should tell the NHS workers, next time they have a wages protest, to set their picket-lines up at the nearest Home Bargains, rather than at their place of work.
  12. “The Star has no reason to believe either are existing targets as things stand.”
  13. Stable? Really? How stable did you think the club was when he was asking for donations to pay the tax bill not so long ago? Whats changed since then to make it more stable?
  14. Can’t see Rohl being with you next season if things carry on as they are.
  15. The more pertinent aspect is what is CHANSIRIS valuation of the club. If it’s as bonkers as he is, then there ain’t no-one going to buy it. Regardless of him saying it’s for sale.
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