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Everything posted by h0tm4le

  1. Well you can't really miss them they all over the place in driving around, or eyeing up every female that walks past.
  2. Originally Posted by Halibut Didn't think it'd take long for the freaks to come out.......... I agree with you googleberry now that is freaky
  3. What's so freaky about stateing the facts or should I say WHAT I SEE every day
  4. Appeal meaning a decision has been made and the asylum seeker doesn't agree with the decision so he is appealing against it, and now that in my books he is illegal. also he has been working illegally and been getting cash in hand, so what e needs to do is the money that he has earned illegally either he that money gets confiscated or he pays for his own chair and drives out of this country.:wave:
  5. Sorry I won't provide him anything but a ticket out of this country. If you look all the Asylum seekers MAJORITY are male between the age of 16 - 30, perverts, and all they seem to do if drink cheap booze and act Like WANNA BE GANGSTER.
  6. It has not yet been decided whether he has a right to remain. Since it has not been decided, he cannot possibly be counted as being here illegally. It has been decide that's why his asylum was refused. and now he's appealing against it, to be honest I hope the original decision is maintained and he gets deported. He was working here illegally, when he had no rights to be here. GET HIM OUT AND THE REST OF THEM WHO ARE HERE ILLEGALLY. I say raid all the car Wash's there where they are working.
  7. Does any one know what happened on Burngreave Road, arou 10pm (18/04/08 ) there were police & ambulance near the Catholic Church.
  8. And if you don't do it you will still regret it for the rest of your life:huh:
  9. it's mostly for civil servants to be ferried around (heard a rumor they were going to put a tea & coffee machine in there for the civil servants, so they can sit on the bus drinking and still feel as if they were still in the office)
  10. Hope your son is ok. I know Wilkinson is harsh but I agree 100% hope they die painfully:rant:
  11. hi i remember all these teacher. what year did u attend pb trinity?
  12. Does any one know what happened to Mr lingard??
  13. 1. If you can't back what you say then IMO you should keep it to yourself, and this individual who is he/she??? 2. This MOSQUE is a replacement NOT ANOTHER MOSQUE. 3. Again have you got any proof that people of sheffield are leaving cause of the MOSQUES??? 4. Topic closed
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