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  1. This is a laugh. https://www.rmcmedia.co.uk/vibe/movers-and-makers/article/Its-finally-here-Sheffields-new-IKEA-store-names-its-opening-date
  2. This is sad news. I've many a happy memory of strapping on my bow tie for functions at Baldwins. http://www.rmcmedia.co.uk/magazines/westside/article/Baldwins-Omega-to-close-down
  3. The city centre might look as if it's dying on its feet, but according to this Sheffield is hipster central . . . Not sure what that says about the rest of the UK though! http://www.rmcmedia.co.uk/vibe/movers-and-makers/article/Can-you-guess-which-Sheffield-neighbourhood-is-one-of-the-hippest-in-the-UK
  4. No. That's Houndkirk Road. I mean the bottom of Ringinglow Road opposite Banner Cross Hall.
  5. He's taken some liberties with the perspective, but I'm sure it's the green house set at an angle at the bottom of Ringinglow Road where it meets Ecclesall Road South The grey shape top left is Ecclesall Church.
  6. I realise this is going to be difficult on here, but how do you pronounce Owlerton like a native? Is it OWL-erton, OOl-erton or URL'rton. The last time I asked a bus driver to take me there he made me to repeat it about 15 times and I had to resort to hoo-hooing and revolving me head through 360 degrees before he caught on.
  7. I used to advertise a lot with the Star but I don't any more. The prices are a complete rip-off, the service is awful and whoever types them up can't spell - they keep putting Citreon instead of Citroen and it drives me nuts! I moved all my ads online at a fraction of the cost and with much better results.
  8. There's nothing wrong with my sense of humour, thank you. I know by the number of people who laugh at me . . .
  9. We don't have a Spudulike, unfortunately. We do, however, have a lot of potato-brained moaners who think sarcasm is wit and like to pretend they are living in some sort of war zone. Ignore them, they are wrong. On the whole, it's very nice here.
  10. An undergound railway connecting the City Hall, the Cutlers' Hall and the Town Hall. Now that would be useful . . .
  11. I know she's hot, but could she really set a whole building on fire just by taking her top off?
  12. Seen it! Brilliant. Just spent an hour-and-a-half on the NASA website with the little 'un, who was suitably impressed. Why does nobody take any notice of this space stuff anymore. It used to be huge news when I was a kid.
  13. I think any placename with Shaw in it refers to a small wood or grove of trees. Can anybody shed any light on Finkle Street at Wortley? It's not really a street, more a country road.
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