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Everything posted by damageandy

  1. So you are unhappy to pay a couple of quid to park, yet you would be happy to pay more taxes to allow the council to purchase privately owned carparks which would cost hundreds of millions in property value and then compensation. Back to reality....because that would never happen. It would be pointless to make council provided city centre parking free, because the supply would massively out strip demand so you really wouldnt be able to park for free anyway.
  2. No it was just an example of putting you in the position of the person who owns the house. Having a thread and link to there house stating "this once beautiful large house which is falling into disrepair" is hardly a nice thing to see about your house.
  3. No not at all, nowhere have i insulted you or anyone else in this thread, i simply used an example to show how someone wouldn't be happy about having such information written about a property they own or live in.
  4. OP line three, previous streetview link suggest either are posible. Not really just making the point that you seem to think its fine for this to happen to someone elses property with them having no say or knowledge over it, yet you wouldn't be happy for a similar thread about your property to appear. Feel free to prove me wrong.
  5. So you would be happy having your address and image of your house posted on a busy public forum, saying its in disrepair and looking like it maybe possibly empty. Geared and Barry feel free to PM your addresses, ill get some pictures and make a thread about them and make some less than flattering comments, and let anyone who wants to know where they can find you at.
  6. No, it was a direct link to the house google street view, thankfully the thread starter has removed it.
  7. How happy would you be if someone just posted a direct link to your property on a pubic forum in such a way?
  8. he's a top chap, very very good at what he does.
  9. more babies now will mean in the future that thier will be a larger number of working age people to pay tax, and pay for a previous baby boom generation who are now in retirement and collecting a state pension.
  10. No it is not! The cyclist has control of how they are riding, so they should do so properly. They have no control how another road uer is behaving.
  11. No one really suggested that you needed extra lighting just that in some circumstances it could be a good idea, just the same as its good idea for cyclists to have lights fitted and used in the day. Why do keep refering to every cyclist as the same in your posts then? I dont get grief from good motorist either, ive had it from bad ones before though who are the ones at fault. Pretty much on every single ride ill encouter an instance with a simple change of circumstances, little gust of wind/ a pot hole/road debris/ a car coming the other way/ me going a little faster or slower etc etc that through no fault of my own id be knocked off by a poor driver. Again most drivers are excellent.
  12. From your first post you seemed a rather sensible chap, much of your further posts let you down. Simple facts SOME cyclists are crap, SOME mototists are crap, SOME pedestrians are crap. Most are not and the crap cyclists are probably crap drivers. When im out driving i realise my ton of metal could easily kill people, whether it be through a mistake from me or someone else. When i cycling i realise a bad move by me could get me killed, but a bad move by a motorists could kill me through no fault of my own. Its always good to hear it from another perspective and i can say doing a few days cycling on the road you will soon change some atittudes.
  13. Yeah what you do is realise that not everybody in society is the same and expect that some will always try to take advantage of the system. Then you do some actual research and find out that the numbers and cost of this problem are really insignificant and focus this built up rage at something that would actually make a difference. A little bet of perspective, compasion and morality wouldn't go amiss. The benefit grabbers are not why the country is in massive debt, despite what they try and to tell you. Why focus so much anger on people who really should be pitied, who cost the tax payer a fraction of what bailing out banks, making dodgy tax deal and write offs do. Those are the people/issues that you should want to 'dealt' with.
  14. here have a phase reversal, if you dont like how its done in this country then leave.
  15. Unfortunatly not, just shows how stupid alot of the general public are, only a large crisis away from a dictatorship and history repeating itself.
  16. id call allowing a mother and a baby(who has no choice in its circumstances) to have no money to live barbarism.
  17. The western world is built on the ideas of democracy and a civil society, not facism and barbarism...whose the dimwit.
  18. Well no because common sense would tell you that tax evasion and avoidnace will never be completely resolved just like benefit fraud will never be completey resolved. Logically the appropriate resources and attention should be assigned to each area based on its real monetary costs the country. Ie Cameron should stop constantly rabbiting on about the tiny amount of poor people stealing pennies, when he allowes the vastly wealthy to steal millions.
  19. Yes it is right, the government just use the media to trick gullible people into thinking its a massive widescale problem when in reality it isnt, conveinently takes the attention away from thier tax dodging mates who are the massive problem that actualy costs the working person the real money. And before the boneheads try and suggest that im saying benefit fraud is ok, no, im just pointing out the obvious that such resources and attention should be used against the real problems first.
  20. You leave a rather important bit of information out here! Thi applies to hackney carriages, not private hire.
  21. The limit has not changed in the area you describe, i suggest you have a recap of the highway code.
  22. The only free way would be do it yourself, otherwise you wil have to pay someone to do it, they arnt going to work for free.
  23. I dont think its the council you need to thank, just that Rotherham didnt actually have much snow. Have they even had the plows out in Sheffield? Pretty suprised at the state of even alot of the major roads not to mention many of the main bus routes. Must be the budget cuts hitting as it seems like much less has been done this year than in previous years.
  24. loads of roads blocked due to poor drivers, Norton Avenue was blocked from bochum parkway towards Manor about 20 mins ago.
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