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having fun

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Everything posted by having fun

  1. pop into B&Q Queens Road may have some ofcutts and will let you have them cheap
  2. I had my car dented the full lenth of the car hit the front wing and all the way to the back wing while reversing out of the space. on cctv but no reg :shakes: so good luck. The thing that really got me is I always park out of the way or with plenty of space to avoid this sort of thing the driver parked near me then hit my car:rant:
  3. P.A.T. testing was brought in to aid the audio visual hire industry under hire association of europe rules not all a equipment needs testing every year most office equipment only needs testing every two years. the introduction of the test was so hire equipment had a record kept for earth inpedance ect. so that you could hopefully make sure that equipment did not fault while in use. I do know of some very very bad testers and companys 1. Tested lights lights with no bulbs (can not get a test) and did not need testing as they are perminent fitment 2. Tested (and passed ) equipment left on bench awaiting repair with direct shorts SIX items
  4. I was shocked to read this story and feel for you and your family I hope that you can get some sort of closure on the very sad event. This person has not learned anything reading the report after being given chance after chance and to even sort of blame his recent failings on his prior crimes begers (carn't put on here what i really think about him)
  5. try these guys http://www.cpsmanufacturingco.com/staging/mobile-trailer-stage/ hope this helps:D
  6. I live in S2 and my post has been opened and things like wage slips not delivered this has got me quite concerned now I know other people are having the same trouble
  7. B & Q sell them or any decor diy store they are called paint guards hope this helps
  8. this sort of thing is happening to much allover the place bet it was not a 1 on 1 either get well soon all the best to him
  9. Bigger city greener city better people and many more reasons look leeds does not want to report on a splendid place, As for as leeds traffic dont even get me started try going anywhere near the airport (tea time) and at least bradford has a bit of culture
  10. A clue is at the top of the page (sheffield forum) but the post was about look leeds always going on about leeds not what ever else is going on in the county. and the best thing to come out of leeds being the M1
  11. 10 - 10 R.I.P. monkeyrench, joker, sword swinger and dry joint catch ya on the flip flop
  12. always has been the same at one time they had a broom cuboard in sheffield but dont even seem to bother with that now. they know were bigger and better than them try having a conversation with someone from LEEEEEEEEDS
  13. if it is for domestic use ie in a house you may have a problem but if it is for commercial use I can pm you some number's of yery good local company's
  14. or they are to scared to open them back up someone may sue for stubing a toe:hihi:
  15. you can buy paraffin,white spirit and meths from B & Q think the paraffin is in the garden center others are near paint brushes and things
  16. try abbey glass chesterfield road woodseats at the junction bottom of scarsdale road
  17. thanks Agency but where in Attercliffe and does anyone know anymore places
  18. Myself and a few people from work fancy a night out X-mas coming up and all that and I thought I would ask you lot on here if anyone knew a good bar club or some where we can go and have a laugh. Some like me will not be very good but will have a go others should be quite good
  19. ok we know all those but how many of you know scromin ie scromin abart on flur
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