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Everything posted by 007.

  1. if the weather man says there`s rain then theres sun..if he says sun there`s rain....i could do a better job by sticking my head out the window in a morning..
  2. :hihi:Meadow 'Well' at the moment!
  3. I'd be sure to ring travel line and make sure before you try and go any train to anywhere at the mo. Flood alerts back in place. Good luck.
  4. Evening Classes at Firth park art college are cancelled this evening.
  5. We saw it at High Green and thought it seemed to hover for ages, and then eventually it just went. So did they find who they were looking, does anyone know?
  6. i'm already waiting on seeing an councilor, as i said before at least a 10 week waiting list, which is while i feel need to go back to docs already for a chat etc. cheers though. The thing that makes things so hard, is the fear to go out and not being able to deal wih seeing people etc. I become so physically sick at doing simple things like popping out to the shop, to a park with my lads etc, that i end up not going out at all most of the time, and when i do i end up feeling really unwell for days after.
  7. Hello to all, Hubby of mine, has 'anxiety stress disorder' and is on a waiting list to have counciling, a decision made on last visit to our docs(at least 10 crappy weeks waiting though), Which i find disgusting. He is as he says also seeing the doc very soon, as is also as he says struggling far more again and with added symptoms. It's such a hard thing to watch happening, but he is doing so well and trying so hard to keep going. We have read up on depression etc and know what we are sort of dealing with, but that doesn't convience my wonderful husand that he isn't in anyway letting me or his children down and he is more the brilliant man i fell in love with now than ever. I know eventually he will get better, it's just a slow process and any helping info anyone can offer is greatly recieved by all. Right i'll let him back on now, thank you for all your friendlyness and advice. Mrs.007.
  8. Hi all...... I have been under the doctors since august 2005 for depression,,i have always refused to take medication as i feel i am letting others down by going on drugs to get me by,,I have 5 kids and a brilliant helping and understanding wife who helps me through everything,,I have contact with my father but as for sisters and the woman who gave birth to me i have no contact,,in august 2005 i was on my way to work when i suddenly felt that there was no point to life and nothing we do made sense,,i began walikng for miles and miles and did`nt know what to do or where to go..hours past and finally i rang my wife who came to fetch me..we walked home about 25miles from where i was as i had become scared of other people and transport,,,the doctor signed me off work with depression a few months later i quit my job as i felt ashamed of myself but could not explain why these things were going round in my head,,over the first year i felt very suicidle and down,,i could not help myself from crying,it was like a massive build up inside and needed releasing,my doctor tried to get me into councilling but i knew i was not ready and could not face other people,my wife has helped me through the bad times,,over the last 2 years i have become afraid to leave the house alone ,,i always take one of my children with me,,it helps me think of them rather than worrying people are watching me....however when my wife asks for us to go out as a family i get such terrible pains in my stomach and start feeling very sick...if i push myself to go out i have migraines and upset belly for days after so we do not venture out as much....i have always had this problem but over the last so many months i have felt different symptems coming back like tiredness,bordam,fed-up,upset and wanting to be alone but do not know why...i am going back to see my doctor as i do not want to feel this way anymore...after reading other forumers reviews on depression and help they have had and how they now feel i now know i need something to help me,,,and i know the doctor will know what best to prescribe me,,,so does anyone know of what i am to expect or any other ways i can get through this.............
  9. Don't think you've had the pleasure, so how would you know? Lol!
  10. Ok...The ops avatar looks the spit of Olive from On The Buses.......Oh and, I've been told i'm a Sex God!
  11. Yeah i agree, i'm tall so it's not so bad. But then you have all the little grandads and grannies asking can you just pass me this that and the other. Most of the staff are under 5ft 10 in george bit aswell, so will take pressure of them a bit.
  12. I remember....Wife used t o work the bar, dance on table etc....Only for a short while, but she luuurrrvvvedd it!
  13. hi.... AS the footaball season has finished now,i am sure everyone has got something to complain about a big `soz` to `THE DADDY` he started a post about a manager and it kind of got taken over by people complaining in general so thought this post would help other people have there say about wrong-doings in football ..so lets here it.................
  14. Lets see how many piggy fans have the same 'get over it' attitude if it ever happens to them, thats if they ever make it back to the premiership! I am no piggy fan,,in this you must mean sheff weds........only i always thought blue and white together makes sky blue....red and white together makes piggy pink.......so who`s really the piggys???
  15. they were fined 5.5million for it though,,,so they were punished..not many acts are punished by points deduction..............
  16. I must say though i thought warnock was a very passionate manager...and has 1 or maybe 2 good players...
  17. so it was like a loan...and teams are allowed to loan players,,,,
  18. IT was a joke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. all the teams that made these claims before will now start to dwindle away as it was being used as a `if we get relegated it`s another chance of staying up tactic`..........i have watched the blades on sky and on match of the day,and i am sorry but i agree they play rubbish football and just try to ruff other teams up,,,,,,,are you trying to tell us that the camera crews that go to these games are biased also? heres an idea though you could complain and try and get points added through the season for falsely showing the game wrong.......................
  20. they allready did this...sheff utd v wigan......and the losers did go down.....................................
  21. why have the hammers cheated? the players registration is the thing being questioned.west ham manager,players new owner are not at fault, they got on with there jobs like proffesionals do,did they not win 6-7 games out of the last 8 or so games to stay up!tevez is the one that may have saved them but surely it was only like buying a player or loaning that player in the transfer window..
  22. Any decent ones, Good entertainment, food, conversation, atmosphere etc............
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