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Everything posted by shinyhappy68

  1. ha ha i thought you wanted to convert it into seconds or summat sorry xx
  2. Its not just a drug?? Hemp is used for many, many things........... google it. http://www.informationdistillery.com/hemp.htm
  3. Im ready for a new avatar, might have to borrow one
  4. :hihi: Very good chem1st, pure genius and very funny thanks for the belly laughs
  5. More Than do no deposit insurance, you just set up 1st direct debit payment for in a couple of weeks. Not sure how cheap they are though xx
  6. Madness isn't it if the government got their act together we could get our country back on it's feet in no time.
  7. Last I knew he was at Healthy Cross, but that was a few years back. They may be able to help you though xx
  8. I dont use drugs and very rarely drink but I believe cannabis should be legalised, even if its just for medicinal purposes. To expect people who use it to manage the pain, to abstain until its legalised is inhumane. Maybe you need to educate yourself properly about the potential benefits of legalising Marijuana.
  9. We are stuck in the dark ages here in the UK regarding law around cannabis. Things will never change whilst the powers that be continue to brainwash people that its dangerous and causes psychosis, blah blah blah. the money that growing cannabis legally, would take from the government in not worth the risk for them, sadly. They would lose billions. http://www.world-mysteries.com/marijuana1.htm
  10. The odd one we do get it usually in the bathroom, we put this down to the fact there are less electrical wires running through bathroom walls? XX
  11. Mine only click on certain settings, try changing frequency X I was sceptical i must admit but they do work
  12. Its true about the conkers and the No More Spider spray contains horse chestnut oil and the most effective part of the tree is the wood, which is why its used for roof trusses.
  13. I also have this and its truly amazing so very rarely use the spray anymore http://www.primrose.co.uk/advanced-spider-repeller-whole-house-p-1277.html worth every penny xx
  14. Its a spray designed to deter spiders, it doesnt kill them it repels them. You spray it round the outside of the room and accross doorways. Its very good but cant say we never ever get spiders but maybe 1 a week and not huge ones. Its not expensive but smells like the dentist xx
  15. Ha ha I just enjoy tormenting BF really Im not cruel enough to post links but my OH exactly same as BF with his phobia and I just dont get it at all XX
  16. Its a conspiracy, we are being invaded, they keep multiplying and growing every year. Its true ive just seen it on Twitter
  17. You obviously haven't driven down there then MrsMozzy. I couldn't tell either, one side is bushes and greenery, and the other is units set back off the road, doesn't appear built up. However I'm sure you'll correct me
  18. I used this road for the first time today due to a diversion at Fife Street and I gotta say the first thing that ran through my mind was, it's a haven for boy racers, no road signs, no road markings and can't remember seeing any streets lights, although there probably are some. Just a long stretch of open road........
  19. I notice this today going down Newman, I was doing 36 mph and went for the brake but smiley face was on???
  20. Do you mean this?? xx http://www.amazon.co.uk/Amefa-Monogram-Carlton-Cutlery-Stainless/dp/B002B5488M Its made in Sheffield, Orgreave I believe x
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