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Everything posted by shinyhappy68

  1. So generally what id do for my 7 year old she goes to bed with earphones bless her . Thank you x
  2. He wont be home alone at the weekend and very rarely is alone, so we dont use a crate. On the odd occasion hes been alone from 9-3pm hes got the run of downstairs. I just feel his anxiety and want, if i can, to take the edge off without drugging him lol. Not tried anything apart from TLC up to now . Thanks for the advice x
  3. Can anyone give me advice on this please, we didnt have him last year on bonfire night, but it already very obvious he really, really hates fireworks. I know most dogs and probably cats do, what do other owners do? At the moment, they are maybe a couple of bangs a night and he's straight up on setee in a ball behind hubbys legs, bless him but dreading this weekend for him. Someone mentioned Bach Rescue Remedy?? Thanks in advance
  4. Kids on margo shops asked " have you a quid for the guy, mrs" a quid!!!! Cheeky beggars lol x
  5. I'm sure it's is andy it's looking well, I just wish Mansel was having the same x
  6. Maybe not now, but things are from good and cant wait to transfer my kids.
  7. Mansel was left in special measures and a lot of debt by previous headmaster . I assume they have sold off the front playground to refinance
  8. It's not replacing mansel, that's staying as it is. They are relocating Woolley wood school, that's what's been built. X
  9. I think its along the lines of Sarah's Law, where you can apply for any relevant info, regarding new partners and possible violent history.
  10. The child who made the accusation is only 5 and very young to make up such allegations. On past experience, there is no smoke without fire, I do hope in this case the allegations prove unfounded, for everyone's sake.
  11. My speciality is not in trading laws, I'd never walk into another retail outlet again if I could avoid them and shop online, it's a much more pleasant experience.
  12. I think the point that I visited the Asda on Parson Cross was probably a clue "Are you smarter than a 10 year old" Oh and the spelling mistake is done on purpose, it's actually a quote hence the quotation marks
  13. Well believe, cos I knew that stores that are not 24 hour don't generally open until 10 or 11 and close roughly around 4. However 24 hour, kind implies its open all the time!
  14. Absolutely spot on! I ended up leaving a job I really liked, which I was very good at due to some very underhand, sneaky, undermining behaviour from my line manager. I'm not easily ground down, I cannot afford to be in my line of work, but this horrendous woman, singled me out (pointed out initially by various members of staff) gave me an unmanageable work load, nit picked over my time sheets, blatantly called me a liar, even though I had proof and facts. I was not the first member of staff to leave due to this woman, but nothing is ever done about her, she is in a well paid job, no relevant qualifications and little previous experience and would struggle to gain similar employment elsewhere, appauling people skills, in a job which supports vulnerable people. I was a shell of my former self when I eventually realised I had to leave or be sectioned, took me a long time to rebuild my confidence. Bullies are the scum of the workforce.
  15. I went in asda last Sunday morning for a chicken etc, had to wait 20 mins at checkout because they don't open till 11!!! It's supposed to be 24 hour?? and if it's not, and it closes sat night till 11 o'clock Sunday, they should make people aware. Instead they had a lot of cheesed off customers, hanging round for the checkouts to open, blocking the aisles, while, chaotic staff tried to restock the fridges etc around them!!!
  16. Is it just for i-pad 2 , please tell me not, ive been soo excited
  17. Oh I guess things have changed in last 10 years or so then Glad you updated, not that im never taxed, learnt the hard way xx
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