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Everything posted by blackydog

  1. Today's match thread (seeing as we don't already have one). 0-0 after 10 mins.
  2. 700 went first day and all cat 1. I was hoping there would be a similar update on SUFC website today but there isn't.
  3. Anyone know how FA cup tickets sales are going after the 2nd day on sale?
  4. I recommend Crystal Peaks if you like waiting 3 weeks for an appointment.
  5. First day of ticket sales. Anyone been past the lane? Is there much of a queue?
  6. Think the mods have moved it, sure I started it there. Which presumably means i can add praise for said store. Its smartfone store, i bought an iphone5s and the corner lifted, which is apparently quite common. Anyway called them and they couldn't have been more helpful. Sent me out a bag to send it back and then sent replacement.
  7. Had very good service recently from an online store, am i allowed to give them a mention? I have no connection with them other than being a buyer.
  8. We wre originally hoping to hire a minibus, if we managed to get tickets of course, but looks like pricing has scared too many off to warrant minibus.
  9. Yes, can't imagine any other club charging away fans such inflated prices, can you? ---------- Post added 11-12-2015 at 15:24 ---------- As a member £54 for the 2 of us to see blades play MU at Old trafford, yep not cheap but it ain't going to happen too often so i will live with it, Hope you right about ticket sales but do hope they all sell eventually. ---------- Post added 11-12-2015 at 15:26 ---------- Plus blades v Oldham was only £18 for me plus 2 kids.
  10. Thanks for replies, i "want"" 3, don't fancy my chances.
  11. Anyone know when tickets go on sale for MU FA Cup tie? I am a blades member and my son is a junior blade (season ticket no good for me). And yes we did go to Oldham match
  12. Don't waste your time at Mosborough police station, all they are interested in is getting YOUR details, then you'll never hear a thing after.
  13. Hi, wanting a Messi kit for an 8-9 year old but can't seem to find anything. Even the £50 plus ones I have found online are out of stock. Any ideas? Found some on ebay. Did also buy one from "mykidsfootballkit" in Singapore but number and letters are crap.
  14. No unfortunately, already committed to a golf day. Next one I can make is Bradford.
  15. BDTBL did seem rather empty yesterday, the kop looked about a quarter full. On united I think they deserved a rather unconvincing win in the end especially down to 10 men. Came out livlier in the second half, but to me Che looked like he had come out looking for a fight! and got one. Admittedly i don't get as often as I would like but there seemed much more long ball yesterday than usual (last match i was at was the sideways 3-0 win over Fleetwood).
  16. Firstly not having a go at you. But i have to disagree with the message in your post that suggests pensioners were all taxpayers. I know pensioners who have hardly worked a day in their lives, but come the age of 65 they are suddenly whiter than white and had terrible burdens to overcome all their lives. Well its not true, todays pensioners benefitted from low house prices and easier access to employment, and surprise they didn't all fight in 2 world wars either. Its the young people that should be getting more help what with the dire employment situation, it is them that will have to pay the pensions (and rises) for years to come. ---------- Post added 06-12-2015 at 09:25 ---------- Did penistone hit a nerve there taxman? If i had posted anything this insulting in the footy section my post would have disappeared faster than Lord Lucan!
  17. Good positive post green man. looking forward to today, not been able to attend since 3-0 win against Fleetwood. My senses are filling up already
  18. Equality of opportunity. If someone has an opportunity and wastes it well i don't have much sympathy, of course your expectations are heavily influenced by your upbringing, so some people may not recognise the value of an opportunity. Or even worse think the opportunity is above them. I don't think i believe in direct redistribution as i believe you cherish something more if you have worked hard for it. On equality of result, aren't we seeing too many in government because of who they are or who they know (usually because of where they are schooled) and not because of proven merits. btw what does "MY BOLD" mean?
  19. I want a government that represents everyone and particularly i want equal opportunities for everyone rich and poor, I realise this might be pie in the sky but you asked and that's what i want. Young people especially are being left almost without hope by the tories, even after taking on huge debt at university they are still forced into zero hours contracts and similar dead end work. No hope of their own home and in many cases can't afford to rent either. I see (and hope) Corbyn as someone who may force politics more to the left even if he doesn't himself lead a government.
  20. Well me and the 2 lads are going. Don't get as much as i would like due to my job. Even though it's the cup a win is confidence boosting so I hope we get one and possibly go on another cup run. I'm accepting that a top 2 finish looks almost impossible with the team we have currently so happy to get wins wherever.
  21. No disagee. Ignoring the right wing media which is self serving, Corbyn is possibly very popular with left wing and other voters who are sick of the current crop. This is yet to be proven as Oldham could just be the beginning. Labour moving towards the right may help them win an election but then we have "Tory light" again and as someone who has never voted Tory but doesn't always vote Labour either, that is not what I want.
  22. Nothing like the same coverage though. And it was no shock at all to me that the Tories did so well against Ed Miliband. Right wing press pushing UKIP was obviously a smokescreen.
  23. Take out the Sun, Daily Mail (hateful newpaper), Telegraph and the labour MPs who don't agree with Corbyn, all who have big voices and sway but are not capable of mass votes, only influence over others. People are then free to make up their own mind without the constant bias, big ask and many will never make the break from tabloid propaganda but the ones that do are your potential Corbyn voters. My father in law ( a great bloke otherwise) quotes me stuff from the Sun and he really believes it. It would be great if this propaganda was it's own downfall.
  24. Bottled or waited for legal outcome? (Evans) who I believe has now been granted an appeal after case review.
  25. But he is the "real" socialist, aren't they ideologically at odds with him and their origins? I haven't considered Labour really socialist since Blair became leader.
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