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Everything posted by lozzybird

  1. Ginger and white male cat hanging around gardens in S13. Not neutered, wearing a collar. This is not the cat from the posters on lampposts in Old Retford Road area. ---------- Post added 18-05-2015 at 14:34 ---------- Looking at a photo I have taken today, it seemed that he had an injured eye. I managed to pick him up and am waiting for the RSPCA to come and look at him. Will update later
  2. You have a real talent for this Moonbird. It's delightful and with the replies you get it would make a lovely book as has been suggested. I'd buy it!
  3. Got to be the first guitar solo in Comfortably Numb by Pink Floyd. Dave Gilmore can make that guitar cry!!!!
  4. Mr Fogg Not Steve Fogg by any chance? Used to know a Steve Fogg at that address in the seventies. I was about 14 at the time, he'd know me as Lorraine, lived at Woodhouse.
  5. The traffic would be a concern! Is this the same council that allow ASDA to build on the junction of the Parkway and the old A57 at Handsworth, one of the busiest roundabouts in Sheffield causing chaos every evening and weekend? Makes you wonder!
  6. I went to school with Lorna Flewitt in the 70s. We lived in Woodhouse
  7. Eric Chambers - History - top bloke George Holt - Chemistry - big teddy bear of a man - loved him to bits!!! Joe Rayner - Geography - minor crush on him Beaver Hill School back in year dot!:thumbsup
  8. The Salvation Army Band, the Scouts drumming, everyone in their new clothes, it was a lovely occasion. And you are right, it was always sunny! What a shame these old traditions get lost.
  9. Showing my age here, my grandma used to have this very un-PC version. Chin Chin Chinaman, bought a penny doll, Washed it, dressed it, called it Pretty Poll Sent for the Doctor, the Doctor couldn't come Because he had a pimple on his big fat bum. Apologies!
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