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Everything posted by goldenfleece

  1. cant miss it..metallic jade green....so bright...an old school Ford...eyes peeled all..only had about 7 litres fuel in tank so max distance no more than 40 miles tops at a push
  2. STOLEN CAR SNJ 350R green Fiesta http://s1048.photobucket.com/albums/s373/hippiejase/public/?action=view&current=20120412_122007.jpg Taken from Long Lane Stannington S6 between Midnight and 0400 hrs 28th April....bright green MK I 1977 Fiesta...SNJ 350R reg...broken window drivers side likely....car was in good condition but who knows what has happened to it.....no questions asked, not interested in that, but I just want it back.......
  3. How many entries so far? Might be interested......
  4. Any MK I fiesta owners wanna meet up for a social and compare cars? Maybe in a pub car park or somewhere now the weather getting better.....been meaning to plan one for ages....... I know a few MK I Fiesta owners in Sheffield, but can everyone who has one include themselves in this thread with a description of cars? A brief history of me, have owned quite a few MK I's over the last 15 years as follows: 1977 R reg 1.1 L x3 1977 S reg 1.1 L 1979 T reg 950 L 1981 W reg 1.1 L 1982 X reg 1.3 GL 1982 Y reg 1.3 Ghia
  5. How is the project coming along? Just got myself another MK I, a jade green 1977 R reg 1.1 L........suggesting all MK I Fiesta owners meet up for a night out with cars included, u interested?
  6. Hmmm, hope I dont cause a mile long Q at Crookes now having posted this....only posted it for general information...sure it will all calm down tomorrow everywhere else
  7. dunno what the fuss is about, just filled up at CROOKES petrol station, all pumps working and only 2 cars were in it.......what Q's!!!!
  8. hurray for veg oil users!!!! I run my old Fourtrak on veg oil, so much better for the environment than extortionate diesel fuel.......
  9. Yes they are....Currently I have an old Fourtrak 2.8 litre diesel 4X4 but always thinking about changing...mine is very good in bad weather tho and runs on standard cheap veg oil.......not paying rip off pump prices any more ever......I do recommend more people try the veg oil route but you are restricted to older style diesel engines (the best IMO) and not the newest ones without a full conversion kit.....
  10. Was driving past at about this time.....very bad........Glossop Road was worse tho....
  11. Broomhill on the change once again....not just the Notty but the South Seas as well...the latter being a live music venue.......
  12. I thought ALL Wetherspoons had the same price structure....can anyone back this up? All the Wetherspoons I have been in in many diff towns (not been in Swim inn tho in Sheff) have the same bar prices...am I correct?
  13. anyone have any pix of Springvale Annexe or the art block? All demolished now....
  14. Just found this on the net: Am researching the former King Edward Vii school Music Department (now Wetherspoons pub). Does anyone remember the discoveries being in the news? Clarkehouse Road In the Summer of 1994, workmen began renovating Lynwood House, an imposing listed building opposite the Royal Hallamshire Hospital on Clarkehouse Road in Broomhall, Sheffield, Lynwood was originally built for South Yorkshire businessman Henry Wilson Lofthouse around 1888, and was fortified during the Second World War when its cellar was made into an air-raid shelter with concrete walls nearly twenty inches thick. When it was purchased by the pub group Tom Cobleigh in early 1994, entry to the cellar of the building was only accessible through a solid steel door in the hillside. The workmen who broke through this barricade were amazed to find a room 12 feet by 20 feet in size, which appeared not to have been touched for many years. Although a blazing hot day, the temperature in the cellar was noted at a mere eight degrees Celsius, and the workmen looked around in amazement to see a variety of what they assumed to be witchcraft symbols daubed on the walls. Letters later identified as those of the Theban alphabet (used by Wiccans) incribed a message on one wall, and on the floor was an enormous triple circle with a pentacle, the witches’ five pointed star, in its centre. Another message reading ‘The Horned God is the True God’ was found on a vertical girder. The workmen left the cellar in fear, and refused to return unless the place was exorcised, although several modern practitioners of the Wiccan religion assured the Tom Cobleigh Group that no evil was intended in the symbols. Beth Gurevitch, a Birmingham witch, said of the find: ‘Wicca is a beautiful religion where karma is important to us. I think it is rather sad to wipe out a good presence... religious discrimina tion is silly in this day and age.’ And local witch Morgaine Bailey, high priestess of the Stannington-based Coven of Annis, added: ‘I am not convinced there is an evil presence in the house. All the signs indicate the coven worshipped a fertility god and goddess, so there’s nothing to fear.’
  15. The bit that was used for art was, as I said, a long and narrow building, in severe need of repair in 1980 when I last was there, probably a converted stable block or something for the original house Lynwood. It was on 2 levels with a very rickety staircase in the middle! Surely that will have gone now, but as I said, off for a trot down there to have a look...its been a LONG time!!!!
  16. yes it is the Wetherspoons pub francis Newton now, except its had a few bits added to it...the other one was MELBOURNE annexe yes... the art block was near Lynwood (francis newton) and was a rather decrepid building that was long and narrow....I suspect it was demolished, but am about to wander down to Lynwood gardens area and have a look around...
  17. Back in the late 70's King Edward VII Upper School near Broomhill used a couple of old Victorian houses located off Clarkehouse Rd....been tryin to remember which houses they were, if they still exist. I am talking 1977/8/9 and the Art Block was located off Clarkehouse Rd, at the bottom of a large green garden, with the Music Block in a 2nd old house nearby. I seem to recall the building nearest the main road (Clarkehouse) was Art, and MUsic being further down......does ayone know or remember what buildings these were, as I think its round about where Sir francis Newton Wetherspoons pub is now, but that was not part of the 'Annexe' used by the school... the 2nd house was near a side road where in 1977 loads of terraces houses were being demolished, but the School annexe, a grand old Victorian house, was not up for demolition. So where is it? Any clues?
  18. I have a USB wi-fi adaptor with the following markings on the back... WU61S FCC RXZ-WU61S No idea what brand it is but it has stopped working on my home network. Detects the network but refuses to connect just saying CANNOT CONNECT TO NETWORK all the time, or sometimes OUT OF RANGE message, or sometimes gets stuck on the WAITING FOR NETWORK message (Windows XP controls wi-fi networking) Nothing wrong with the network, my laptop connects straight away so not an issue with interference or weak signal.....laptop connects at 100% signal strength within 2 seconds of detecting it. Any ideas? I cant locate the drivers to download in case they have updates but nothing comes up when I search for that WU61S driver.....
  19. read thro the main T and C and nowhere does it say may not be plugged into a laptop or PC.......so i guess its Ok in that respect.......in any case how would THEY know if it was connected to a PC or not?
  20. My USB wi-fi stick is broken so no broadband upstairs at the moment from my main home router... so am using my Orange cellphone as a modem plugged into my PC instead. Now I have an 'unlimited data' net package on the Orange phone, but I wonder if UNLIMITED data on a phone package is the same in effect as UNLIMITED landline broadband? The contract on orange says unlimited data but subject to FAIR USE policy....there are no data limits, but I wonder if its up the task of a whole days downloading and watching i-player and stuff? Os would this count as unfair use from a mobile? Connection speed via orange is great, just not wanting to incur charges in case they think its not 'fair use' with it plugged into my PC when its not a dedicated Orange internet USB stick......
  21. About time the Hare and Hounds re-opened, its been shut for ten years or so....
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