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Posts posted by martss

  1. So you didn't bring a pen to a book signing? You sound much more organised!


    I didn't go to the book signing, I went to buy a pen and the book signing was on.


    Most of the back of the shop was closed off and WHSmith staff wouldn't let anyone past the barriers even if they weren't interested in Keith.

  2. The block which was demolished was the one nearest Herdings School, the one on the right in the Picture Sheffield photograph. If you go up to the site you can see where it stood. It was demolished mid 90's I think, I watched it from Herdings Park, I've got three photographs of it as it fell somewhere.

  3. I've used it, it's very handy!


    There's also:


    Coming from Beighton towards Crystal Peaks, I want to turn left but there's a queue, so I stay in the right hand lane and go all way round the roundabout.


    From Darnall towards The Arena, traffic lights are on red but you can still go through the old road way and miss the lights altogether.


    Bottom of East Bank Rd, use the left turn filter lane and turn right up East Bank, there's no signs saying One Way or Left Turn Only.

  4. By putting it out, then bringing it back, you physically handle the bin more than the binman does.


    The person who puts the bin out handles one bin twice, once to the road and once back. The bin men handle possibly hundreds of bins every shift, have you ever actually watched them empty bins? There's more to it than just putting the bin on to the lift, looks like hard work to me!

  5. i have heard that the bins are to be put out no later than 7am and to be put back at 9am ! i work alday therefore i can not put my bin away not sure if there will a punishment for this ??? anyone else heard about it???


    The 9am bin curfew has always been there but I don't think it's strictly enforced.


    Been down in North Kent for the weekend and showed a few friends this thread, how they laughed! They've had fortnightly collections for ages and they can't see any problems.

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