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Everything posted by Solomon88

  1. Anybodys allowed to cross the road. How is access illegal?
  2. Yes, Tavern Service Station - "last petrol for 23 miles" i.e Glossop
  3. The Moor ran through to a roundabout where the underpass is now, apart from that, not much. Almost all that area flattened in the blitz and never redeveloped, until MSC. There were a number of small single storey lock-up shops, that's all.
  4. Norfolk Arms, bottom of Dixon Lane? But it isn't really Stones, I think its made in Burton, so why bother.
  5. MSC building was built with a road access through it in line with The Moor, easy to see this if you have a look, so it was actually designed not to "block the way". Possibly thoughts of a future Tram system, but it was never used.
  6. The N E Derbyshire licensing department should know.
  7. I went in the other day. Upstairs is closed, so no maps/Ordnance Survey/HMSO. Very limited choice of books, used to be a good local history section. So a big disappointment. By the way, Blackwells was the original Williamsons unit. Williamsons then moved into what had been (Wood's?) supermarket. Hmm, isn't that where this thread started? What is now EuroSpar was built as Mac Market some time after the main part of the row. There was a fenced-off empty plot at that end.
  8. Not sure, but I think there is a picture the signal in Stephen McClarence's book of black and white photos. This was on the old H L Brown's shop on the corner of Fargate/Leopold Street, demolished during the Orchard Square redevelopment. Enamel sign next to the siren, saying "1 O'clock signal", or something like that. I didn't know it had been replaced, I do now!
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