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AJ sheffield

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Everything posted by AJ sheffield

  1. One of the places I worked at bought a sales rep who had been there for 25 years a Rolex worth nearly four grand, the fella nearly passed out.
  2. So did I I meant a woman would need patience to be with me.....and plenty of it.
  3. 10 years clean license and only 45 mph, you might get a driver awareness course, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.
  4. £230 a month without factoring in road tax and servicing, my journey to and from work only takes 10 minutes each way.
  5. I think there was similar ratios for the Vietnam war too.
  6. I mean shot, sometimes people can still be dangerous after they have been hit several times.
  7. Shims I have seen people hit several times, all life threatening injuries too, and still fight like hell on pure adrenaline and fear.
  8. Is bobbar a regional thing, everyone I know who has moved here have never heard the word before.
  9. I hope those bullets hit his newly created yellow streak (that would be the one just above the brown streak).
  10. There is something wrong with the text, in fact some of the words looked very odd.
  11. One of the funniest things I have seen this year, well done :hihi:
  12. I know a few people who have been mugged and all but one were violent, in fact one lad I know was beat to within an inch of his life for a tenner and a cheap watch
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