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florence kat

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Everything posted by florence kat

  1. Thanks, northernboy, I've just been there, but the choice of what to do is in the language I am now stuck in. I therefore need to know the language to discover which bit says "change language"!! There must be a simple solution... Aha, what if I consult iplayer website on another laptop which IS using English? I have just tried this, and noted where the "change language" instruction is out of the various possibilities. I shall now see whether that works and report back...
  2. For the last week or so, the instructions on the main page of the bbc iplayer website have presented themselves in a language unknown to me. I think it might be Gaelic. I would really prefer English! I have no idea how this happened. How do I get English back? The language is used for days of the week, names of channels, etc.
  3. Return of the acclaimed SHEFFIELD SINFONIETTA at St Mark's Church, Broomhill, S10 2SE, on Friday 13 July 2018 at 8 p.m. BACH Harpsichord Concerto in D minor VIVALDI 'Summer' and 'Winter' concertos from The Four Seasons VIVALDI Concerto for four violins in B minor No tickets, but retiring collection for Phaseworldwide charity no. 1112734, see http://www.phaseworldwide.org
  4. I would have hoped that the staff of any restaurant, pub or public place would do a thorough check, before they lock up and leave, of all the places where the public get to, particularly the toilets. Someone might be hiding deliberately, but worse, they could be taken ill and need assistance.
  5. Yes, it's fine for me now, don't know what was wrong before. They're not at their prettiest at the moment, but it won't be long before they look like real peregrine falcons! F
  6. I cannot get the "Nest" picture to show this morning - and that's the exciting option. Something wrong?
  7. What is the latest on tetrapak recycling in Sheffield? The most recent info on the Forum is 2013, as far as I can tell.
  8. After an enormous clearing of the garden, I want to light a bonfire. What are the current council "rules" on this?
  9. What is so good this year, and I don't think it was evident last year, are the little clips down the right hand side, below the two main live screens, showing "edited highlights". These are the events you are most likely to have missed, (e.g. an egg being laid, change over time and the latest meal arriving), because you are not able to watch 24/7. A big thank you to those who are making this possible. It enhances the experience completely.
  10. There is no St Patrick's day tent at the Town Hall end of Fargate this year. Why not?
  11. I'd like to take out to lunch a group of older people, mostly in their 80s and 90s. We need a user-friendly restaurant with easy access, waitress service, plenty of space, a senior menu, somewhere we could book in advance (I'm thinking of late June, early July) and be sure of a room to ourselves. We might be up to 40 people. A good view would be nice! I am thinking most likely of the south or west of Sheffield, not more than 8-10 miles from the city centre. Any suggestions and experience, please?
  12. Is there a teacher of orchestral percussion in Sheffield, or do I need to look to Leeds or Manchester?
  13. I am delighted to report that I used "fix my street" as advised right at the beginning of this topic. My request was passed on to the Town Hall, who acknowledged receipt of same, and gave me a reference number. I wondered how long I should wait, realising that passers-by might take one dumping as an invitation for more. But this morning the bed base had gone - five days after my request to "fix my street". So I'm glad to think that the system has worked, (which I suppose is what happened!) Thanks to the Forum. I notice many contributors are aroused by the topic, hence the large number of viewings and comments.
  14. Thank you both for suggestions. I have now tried fixmystreet, (which should pass my request onto the council. If case, I'll try Veolia on the Town Hall switchboard.
  15. This got onto the wrong topic - about bananas.... In the alley way between our house and the next, there has appeared a single-bed base in two halves, dumped since yesterday evening. If it is not removed fairly soon, people will think this is a dumping site and add to it. [As it happens, this alley is not used, but that's not the point.] Through which official channels (council? Veolia?) can I successfully get this removed?
  16. My husband was in Sheffield centre today at 9 a.m. and says he heard the bells in the Town Hall playing "Ding, song merrily on high". I have never before heard them doing anything other than striking the quarters. What is the schedule for Christmas carols, and are these real bells or recordings? ---------- Post added 30-12-2017 at 15:08 ---------- I MEANT "Ding Dong merrily on high"!
  17. Thank you. We left Sheffield on Thursday and returned on Monday, so were ignorant of problems in Broomhill. Question answered, thanks to the Forum.
  18. I caught a #51 bus from the Cathedral this evening at about 1830. Why did it turn down Clarkson Street, go along Glossop Road and up to Broomhill that way? No-one on the bus seemed to react to this "unusual" route.
  19. All the posts are from 2012. What happens in 2017 - are there charities still collecting used postage stamps?
  20. Thanks andrejuan. Johannus Organs operate in this country from Oldham, so I have phone number for them now. (I am not a Facebook user.) Swain Electronics of Chesterfield area do a lot with electronic organs, but don't mention Johannus by name, mostly Hammond. Is Gregory and Peck one firm? I'm not having much success with that as a reference. I have also contacted Sec of Sheffield Organists and Choirmasters Association.
  21. Is there a local repairer in South Yorkshire for Johannus Home Organs?
  22. Just to complete the picture, so far. We went to Rother Valley Country Park twice, then on the Monsal Trail, and today to Fairholmes at Ladybower. This has given our nine-year old enough experience to become fairly steady and confident on a bicycle. In a way, the next stage is harder - to decide whether or not to GET a bicycle, given that cycling on the roads in Sheffield is a tall order for a child, and cycling on the pavement is unfair on pedestrians. But at least she is now equipped to enjoy cycling on special occasions out of town, on some of the cycle-friendly trails in this area.
  23. We went (by car) to Rother Valley Country Park and hired a bicycle for a nine-year old to begin to learn to cycle. There was plenty of grass for her first tries, and it went well. We now want to try again, this time not going by car, and it seems there is no bus going into the park, only one that gives you a fairly long walk from the nearest main road. So, looking closer to home, is there somewhere in Sheffield where you can hire a child's bicycle and enjoy grass or easy cycle paths and no traffic ?
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