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florence kat

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Everything posted by florence kat

  1. Does anyone have experience of playing the ALPHORN to a reliable standard?
  2. We are a small group ringing tunes on 15 handbells, practising weekly on Wednesday evenings in the Broomhill area. We still need a new member to replace one leaving the district. You will need to be able to read music and have a strong sense of rhythm. Our repertoire includes arrangements of classical pieces, songs from musicals, and original compositions for handbells. We give occasional concerts, mostly to old people's clubs, and attend the North East regional rally of the Handbell Ringers of Great Britain twice a year. Someone able to arrange or compose further music for handbells would find encouragement and opportunity. Please PM me for further details.
  3. We are a small group ringing tunes on 15 handbells, practising weekly on Wednesday evenings in SW Sheffield. We need a new member to replace one leaving the district. You will need to be able to read music and have a strong sense of rhythm. Our repertoire includes arrangements of classical pieces, songs from musicals, and original compositions for handbells. We give occasional concerts, mostly to old people's clubs, and attend the North East regional rally of the Handbell Ringers of Great Britain twice a year. Someone able to arrange or compose further music for handbells would find encouragement and opportunity. Please PM me for further details.
  4. The system of green bags bought from Veolia (which I thought was good ) has this year been replaced by a Green Bin system. You pay to have a green bin which is emptied fortnightly, the season being from April to November. You can opt into the system even as late as October, and pay accordingly. For those of us with trees which do not start shedding their leaves until Oct/Nov, the green bags were ideal. The green bin is not.
  5. Thanks for that information. I suppose the best tip is to use the three months' free pass, and then an NUS Apprenticeship pass. Every little helps...
  6. I saw a poster somewhere advertising Free Travel for 16-24 year olds doing an Apprenticeship, but I didn't take note of the scheme at the time.. Now I'm trying to track down more about this. Where do I find details?
  7. Try http://www.thepianospecialist.co.uk He works in Sheffield and might be able to advise.
  8. I'm thinking about suitable activities for a New Year's party for 30 people in their 80s and 90s. Bingo and Consequences will work alright, but is there anything specially connected with the New Year? Your ideas, please...
  9. Sorry I got my time wrong. It is only (ONLY!) 0140. The kettle is on - waiting...
  10. Latest news - original train ran out of fuel, so passengers were transferred to another train which is coming BACK to Sheffield and approaching "from the back". Time: 0230. florence.
  11. Just had text from friends on train, held up only short distance from Sheffield. They have been in the train for hours. Now they are being taken back to CHESTERFIELD!!!! And it's 0200.
  12. We tried the stick on letters, but you have to be very able-fingered and good at spacing. It looked alright, but not good enough. Also we wondered whether the letters would fall off. Eventualy, a friend found something on an internet programme (don't know reference) which gave a very clear lettering on a black background - which we needed - and we printed it off and stuck the wording on. It looked good. florence kat.
  13. Thank you for news. The delay is certainly longer than 60 minutes. My visitors have still not arrived at 0045. florence kat.
  14. wat is happening at Sheffield station? severe disruption tonight... I am waiting for visitors who should have arrived at 2230. Stuill not here. Florence kat.
  15. Thanks Billiethekim, Chez2 and Hecate for help. I went to Hobbycrafts today, and got what I think will fit the bill exactly. All I have to do now is get my lines and spacing aesthetically pleasing - easier said than done! It's nice to know there's someone out there with an interest. Florence K
  16. I have re-bound a large book and want to find some way of adding the title in gold (or gold-looking) lettering. Before the days of computers, you used to be able to get letters in black which were attached to a sheet, and you had to pencil over the appropriate letter to release it onto the book or poster. I don't know if gold letters existed. Is there anything like this available now? Or an equivalent? I want it to look smart.
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