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lucas gta

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Everything posted by lucas gta

  1. thanks guys ---------- Post added 05-04-2013 at 07:28 ---------- no never taken it apart
  2. rude!.................. ---------- Post added 05-04-2013 at 00:17 ---------- awwww thats so kind
  3. i cant find the hard drive in my acer netbook and i need it out who can help me ?
  4. yes ive noticed its a very unsafe and very taken over the amount of racism english peeps get from the area if unbareable. not like it used to be ---------- Post added 01-03-2013 at 09:41 ---------- im from parson cross and yeah 30 firearms it doesnt feel as bad as if i walked thru pitsmoor or spital hill or somewhere like that. the local druggies in them areas are to busy tagging the area as thiers and getting drugged up on something. there needs to be more police patrols in the areas!
  5. have you paid the 5 pounds for the blackberry internet sevice ? this may be the issue i cant say for sure best thing is to contact your service provider
  6. hi im going to poland with my school and i have a blackberry and i want to know if it costs to send bbm messages or to go online or does it stay free like in the uk im on vodafone can anyone help me :help:
  7. ang lee furniture store upper allen street,stanley tools rutland road slow demilition,hallam towers hotel broomhill slow demolition,tinsley wire,all the council houses in parson cross buchannan road area,the huntsman inn barnsley road
  8. Did anyone whitness the two people in 20's I think attempting to start trouble with 3 boys n 2 girls that walked in . These offenders were staring at the other kids then decided to start having a go at the kids then as the kids left the offenders threw something at the kids did anyone whitness anything at around 4 oclockish
  9. Go on dude get that d*v reported them taxi drivers are so ignorant they think they own the street !
  10. I think there should be a women only taxi service with female taxi drivers in sheffield females would feel a lot more safer it that was the case
  11. No it shouldn't be aloud what's so ever cigarette smoke gets to me rapidly and makes me become very ill and walking into a shop walking past smokers isn't something I can do I have to wait till they have gone first
  12. Hi I'm trying to find out how I can make my shower water pressure more powerful its only in the bathroom that water pressure is very slow and light I'd come out more clean if I has a wash in a sewage pipe can anyone help me?
  13. I've just been informed the teenage group of youthes named the s5 crew were the cause of the police gathering up near the asda. Area
  14. I'd take this to the star paper and if form a complaint against the police because they are crap honestly
  15. Everywhere except from my house n my school. Especially the mosque near abbeydale road
  16. I totally agree I think there should be a donation or an appeal for this place to be bought and turned into a hotel again or something other than student accomatadions as there are to many student flats and accomadations in sheffield
  17. Hii peeps I'm looking for a womens self defence course for my girlfriend its needed cheap as possible and in she areas or s5 or local to s5
  18. I'm looking to do a dog walking job but I'm in s5 area tho
  19. Monday 8:30 AM 6:30 PM Tuesday 8:30 AM 6:30 PM Wednesday 8:30 AM 6:30 PM Thursday 8:30 AM 7:30 PM Friday 8:30 AM 7:30 PM Saturday 8:30 AM 6:00 PM Sunday 10:00 AM 4:00 PM
  20. :gag:yes its like emerson crescent that estate of flats was originally built for the elderlys and retired now its full of druggies and achoholics and thugs n vandals its not safe anymore i would do owt to save that estate. i would like a flat on there obviersely an upper floor flat because if i have a downstairs flat my windows would be put thru all the time and life would be
  21. Yesterday someone stole mine and my girlfriends caravan off the front of my mothers house today off emerson close pulled it by apparently a piece of string onto lindsay avenue and let it smash into two cars on its way down it must have been going 50 mph as its made a car a total write off my step dad has been accused of nicking a caravan off the front of his own house first whitness no names was proved wrong and my step dad isn't to blame . Other whitnesses say they say 4 people pulling it . Has anyone got any info?
  22. I didn't ask for your daft opinions I asked for advice on how to get it off!
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