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  1. Tell your mate to get <removed> I got plenty of these tickets and didn't pay Ans carried on parking in the same place so after about 10 or so tickets they decided to clamp my car and I decided to chop that clamp up with a stilt saw after which I never got a ticket....
  2. Hi I have a double din DVD player you can have for 100 pm me
  3. That's because your buyin a Toyota at twice the price.....
  4. Rather than telling a fellow sf user to shut up why don't you go and tell your neighbour to shut up or alternatively MOVE....
  5. Norwood road a flat will cost you around £100k and a detached house any where up to £500k, Barnsley road upto £300k for a terraced. Where are you getting your figures from and just to point out s5 is a big area probably as big as Rotherham so does that mean your house is worth £25k like the ones in ferham?????
  6. good for you I'm happy with an average of 18mpg if I wanted to economise I would buy something economical.....
  7. You drive a multi thing... Honestly no offence and all that but I really don't want to have a debate on cars with somebody who drives a multi thing.
  8. It was all abit of banter i was enjoying debating with other sf members I thought you'd probably have realised. Are you really that thick or is it something medical???
  9. If you really are that slow then let me enlighten you I WAS TAKING THE P*** as were you with you petrol in a match box toy comment If that last line is a question then the answer is NO And if it is a statement your making then you don't put a ? At the end of it Suppose being a scrounger you've probably had little or no education
  10. Hmmm ok so you telling me he earns well over 500k pa for something he's really crap at makes sense to me
  11. Your right honestly this was good fun before and I was enjoying the banter but then u revield u drive a multi thing
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