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Everything posted by PRTTesting

  1. Possibly or a gas fitter. If Transco charge them it will be a damn site more than a gas fitter would charge.
  2. No gas fitter worth his salt will turn up to a gas leak, charge £50 to £100 to shrug and say sorry mate, I can't find the leak therefore it can't be fixed. If you want the number of a decent gas fitter pm me. I'll be happy to pass one on.
  3. I wouldn't hesitate in calling a gas fitter. Gas built up in properties is very dangerous. We rewired a house which had gas mantels on the walls. They had been disconnected but the pipes under the floor were still live and leaky. You couldn't smell it in the house but as soon as you lifted a floor board you could smell the gas straight away. The gas had built up under the boards over a period of time and was a DEFINITE hazard. Any source of ignition at that point could have blown the lot away. £50 to £100 is cheaper than a funeral pal.
  4. I have seen those too. Maybe they are in the cafe 3 or 4 units down?
  5. Down and out in Paris and London made me realise how lucky we are in terms of comfort and wealth. Whilst we do still have problems with poverty in England (I don't think any contry will ever eliminate poverty altogether) Things could be a lot worse... 1984 and Animal farm changed my political out look. The 17th edition wiring regs changes my outlook on life everytime I read through it :hihi::hihi:
  6. No problem mate, took me about 5 mins of googling Hope it works ok.
  7. I'm gonna throw my 2 penneth into the mix and before I do may I just say I'm not touting for work. Having said that, I'm not turning it down either There is NO legal requirement to have equipment PAT tested. There are however Health and Safety regs to satisfy. PAT testing is the most common way of satisfying the regulations and keeping a record of inspections taking place. If you would like a full run down of the H&S regulations which PAT testing satisfies, feel free to look on my website.
  8. lmao, I'd prefer the other side of the city if I'm being honest mate but I do like to see both teams do well.
  9. Hi all, I hope I've posted this in the correct section, Aplogies if I placed it incorrectly. I may be interested in sponsoring a local sports team. If anyone is connected to a local club and can provide me with a few details please PM me or email me (Email address is on my website, click my sig to get to it.) Thanks, Paul.
  10. Sounds to me like you're gonna have to cut that baby up and get it out. Carwoods at Malin Bridge may be interested in coming anc collecting most of it. I suppose you'd have to landfill the rest.....
  11. Sheffield College run a city in guilds 2330 course which will take 3 years to complete part time (one day a week or 3 evenings a week) Places are really limited, find out when the enrolement dates are and get there early on the first day or you will most likley find the course is full. You will also need work experience. 1 day a week for 3 years does not a sparky make. There are plenty of busy sole trader sparkies flying about since the recession started, it sometimes feels like everyone who got laid off from the firms has bought a van and set themselves up as an electrician. If I was in your position again I would contact as many as you can and volunteer your services. Expect low pay and hard work but it's worth it in the end. Also, visit as many electrical wholesalers as you can and ask them nicely if you could put a copy of your CV and a letter explaining who you are and what you want somewhere in their store. These places are visited by loads of electricians and you might get lucky. Good luck, I hope it all works out well for you.
  12. Coopers will probably have them. They're in Hillsborough behind the dog track although since the floods you may need to go through neepsend. turn up the side of the Farfield Pub then take your next left. Follow the road round and there should be a sign for coopers on the left hand side of the road.
  13. I use Hilfoot Electrical Distributors. They have a good selection of lamps (bulbs) and are open to the public. They're just opposite the Farfield Pub.
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