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alan p

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  1. I had the same as YorkieontheTyne. It was early 70s I was in the TA and we went to North Wales a place called Capel Curig. Four of us went into the local pub and the locals was talking in English but when we tried ordering a pint they all started to speak Welsh and we were ignored. They soon realised we wasn't just the 4 of us when around 200 others started coming through the door. 😄
  2. My aunty was a dinner lady at Norfolk secondary on Craddock road. That was in the 60's she always gave me extra cheese pie and extra puddings. I enjoyed the school dinners back then.😊
  3. Steve Wright passed away. BBC radio 2 presenter of Sunday Love Songs. R.I.P.
  4. Have you ever tried to follow the subtitles? They are a waste of time. I also had many scraps with people taking the micky out of deaf people.
  5. Both my parents were deaf so learned to sign at a early age. I also taught a mate back in the 60's the basic sign alphabet he picked it up in less than 2hrs. I have always said it should have been taught to kids when they first started school. Sadly both my parents are long gone and I haven't used sign language for a long time.
  6. I think its a brilliant it should have been done years ago.
  7. I said that my friends phone only makes calls and can send text messages. And that he doesn't have internet on his phone or at home.
  8. Thank you all for the replies. My friend can call me on his phone which is just calls and messages. It's my phone that won't allow me to contact him. Alan.
  9. Hello Dromedary, My bundle does allow international calls but I have to set it up on Asda account. I think then it will be connected all the time which I didn't want to do. Thanks for the help given. Hello HeHasRisen, My friend doesn't have internet on his phone or at home. I already use WhatsApp. Alan
  10. The person I'm trying to call doesn't have internet and I don't use Facebook. Thanks for the replys. Can I turn on roaming on my phone? I'm not very good with technology.
  11. I'm needing some help please, I use a £5 bundle per month for free calls and free messages and 3gb of data.I'm with Asda mobile. It's a Samsung A10 phone. I have tried to call and message a friend in Spain but it doesn't connect. Can someone tell me what I need to be switched on to be able to make calls abroad. I hope I have explained myself properly. Thanks Alan
  12. I had a friend who lived on Randall Street back in the 60s, Name of Walker (Billy). Lost touch early 70s.
  13. Wards was a good pint. It depended what pub you was in. The Richmond on the Woodthorpe in the 70's and the Hawk and Dove same in the 70s. The landlords made the difference in the beer.
  14. South Street Park district before Parkhill was built.
  15. I lived on Waterthorpe and Gleesons built our house don't if any other contractors were involved.
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