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Bouncers Stole My ID...

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OK so last night a friend was up from London and we went to a club (I'll not say which one). We had a few beers and got to the club and he realised he'd not brought any ID with him, so it looked like the end of our night.

I, being an idiot, decided to be a hero and get into the club using my ID, go out for a fag and hand him my ID for him to use.

It didnt work, obviously because its the oldest trick in the book, and he doesnt look that much like me but it seemed like a good idea at the time.

The bouncer realised what he was trying to pull, and when he couldnt tell the bouncer the address on the driver's licence he conviscated both the ID and the student card.

I rang up this morning and they've denied any knowledge of conviscating any ID or having any handed in.


What do I do? What are my rights? :(


Its £40 for a new licence, I cant afford that, and I certainly don't want to get in trouble with the old bill!

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If your driving licence is lost or stolen the DVLA ask you to report it to the police.


Quite right - ring the police up (or even better go into your local station) and tell them everything you've posted above and demand it be sorted :thumbsup:


Hopefully they'll get as much of a giggle out of it as I did :hihi:

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The only legal grounds the bouncer would have for keeping the documents are if he were to record the incident and hand the documents to the police.


No record of incident? Looks like there isn't.

Did he hand the documents to the police? If there is no record at the club ... very unlikely.


This would mean ... theft?

How do you prove it?


Reporting the incident to the police will mean admission of commiting an offence by misusing the license for misrepresentation.


What to do?

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