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Graffitti apologists


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Have a think about this point; Are you aware that the Council can actually buy paint that when painted onto the structure/surface, spray paint will not stay on when sprayed onto it?????........


And you are happy to pay for this right? Stopping the taggers would stop the clean up and this no need for this 'paint' you talk about. Plus why shoud the council have to pain every surface to prevent vandalism by a tiny minority of brain-dead prats?


Graffiti is an art form and in the right place and contact is nice to look at but those who spray what ever and where ever they like are the problem. Why can’t they practice their hobby on boards they have paid for themselves in the privacy of their own home? Because they takes away the danger aspect, and so graffiti loses its appeal.

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What makes me laugh is that, people on here always assume its kids lol, your gonna have a big surprise if the police catch these graffers and identify them.


Most graffiti is by middle class lads in there mid/late twenties.You know how much it cost these days to graffiti?


you'd be surprised!



The whole culture of it has been smashed to pieces!



They where the days, racking the old discount shop!


Remember Sheffield ten years ago! - thats when it was bad!



A big shout out to my street force crew! Brilliant job your doin lol


Of course:huh: doh. Dore and Totley is full of graffiti.

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Of course:huh: doh. Dore and Totley is full of graffiti.


one of sheffield's most prominent graffiti writers from a few years back came from round there.


it makes me laugh how people on here make little quips about graffiti writers.


Companys like addidas, addict etc are employing them to design clothes. Car companys film their 'hip' cars infront of graffiti backdrops. instead of making out all graffiti artists do is write swear words an draw pictures of cocks, try actually looking into the subject.


face it graffiti is here to stay, if you dont get it, your probably too old.





ps, im not saying it's a good thing the media is hi-jacking graffiti, merely using it as an example.

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face it graffiti is here to stay, if you dont get it, your probably too old.



Or probably paying Council Tax to get rid of these "subversive street installations" that these middle class heroes are spraying all over.


Would I be able to come round their house and **** all over their carpet? I mean, to ME, that would be art, and as such, allowed...

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but ban graffiti - it is not art, chuck the vandals into prison and no more buildings will ever be sprayed'... please!


The normal way that society deals with criminals is to lock them up. Shall we use the same logic with burglars or rapists? Shall we look at the crime stats and say "locking up burglars doesn't seem to stop burglaries being committed so perhaps we need to try providing the burglars with drop in centres where they can take as many free TVs as they like.


It is a proven fact that these grafiti vandals cause massive damage to areas and this then leads to those areas having less inward investment. Who in their right mind would set up a business, or move to a house, when they see masses of criminal damage? It simply makes it look like the area is not safe and their property won't be safe. This then leads to such areas being populated by people who can't live anywhere else and so the decline continues. Of course vandalism isn't the only cause of this but it is a major cause and so needs to be stamped out.

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