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Sheffield Photos from 1979


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Thanks for the photos, they are appreciated as some are of the area off Alderson Road in Sheffield where I grew up.


This photo you have correctly labelled Thorpe Road. The corner shop in the picture is No.76 Thorp Road, known as Crossley's shop during the 1960s, and was located at the junction of Thorp Road and Hill Street. It was owned at that time by an old couple, and was not the cleanest of shops even in those days. My father was buying something in there one day when a rat ran along the top of the counter. Why we used to use that shop when there was a corner shop on most corners at that time I don't know.

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Enjoy nostalgia but if footballers saw them, it may go some way to explaining why they are reluctant to move to Sheffield?

I spotted Moor Oaks Road at Broomhill on Page 5 and the Arts Tower also has happy memories. Nothing wrong with the pictures, just the overpowering dereliction within the city.

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Enjoy nostalgia but if footballers saw them, it may go some way to explaining why they are reluctant to move to Sheffield?

I spotted Moor Oaks Road at Broomhill on Page 5 and the Arts Tower also has happy memories. Nothing wrong with the pictures, just the overpowering dereliction within the city.


Doesn't this really show how far Sheffield has come in the last twenty five years?

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The Sheffield (and country) I recall of the pre-Thatcher years. Having said this, even I am surprised at the number of derelict buildings. (You'd be forgiven for thinking some of these pictures were taken in 1949, not 1979!)


JFKvsNixon is spot on: these pictures show just how much we've moved on since then (and we should have; we've paid enough for the improvements). Sheffield is a much tidier, welcoming place than it was thirty years ago.


I like these pictures and they're well taken. They capture the mood of the times in the dereliction and decay. They're cold but earthy. I feel a distant attachment to the old Sheffield portrayed in these pictures but am also thankful that we have all moved on.


Thank you for sharing them with us.

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Interesting photos, I was still at school in the late 70's and when walking around the city, I was always discouraged at the dereliction and how much of it there was but that was then and now things have improved so much, still a ways to go, but these are great pictures.Not a lot of cars but when bus fares were so affordable, it was ok to leave your car at home.......ah.....those days!

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Fantastic photos, well done!


Some did have a depressing feel, but as they say the camera does not lie. There are lots of chocolate box pretty photos available, it is far more interesting to see the grim reality of a city in the midst of change, and wonderful to see how far from that depressing picture we have moved today.


Do you ever feel moved to do the same route again today and do a comparision photo shoot?


I would love to have some copies of the photos, but at £15 each plus postage they are too expensive for me - maybe you should have a different price on the Sheffield photo section to suit Yorkshire pockets ;)

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