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Is there a mouse epidemic?!


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we're also in s2 and have had mice recently. I bought a plug-in thingy from b&q that emits a high pitch sound (inaudible to humans, cats and dogs) that scares them away. So far (2 weeks) it seems to have worked, though when I plugged it in I was disappointed not to see a family of mice running out of the door with their paws over their ears! Costs abuot £25.

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We had one (despite the cat - who is clearly just lazy :suspect:) so we cleared out the attached shed (found nibbled grass seed box) and bought a plug in thingy from B&Q. Having read the back of the boxes of the plug in things, it seems the sonic ones don't work through walls - so you'd need one per room ideally. I got one which is apparently both sonic and also does something electromagnetic (don't ask me - I've thrown the box away!). Anyway - the mouse has gone, so I'm happy, and no corpse to sort out either!

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You never have one mouse. If you see one, you've likely got a whole family.


I had mice in my house many years ago. Tried trapping them but the little blighters were clever enough to get the bait off the trap without triggering it. In the end I poisoned them.

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Just the other day i was talking to Stuart Little outside the Cavendish on West st.He was a bit worse for wear,Roland rat had just been thrown out for drunk and disorderly behaviour.Whats the world coming to.



:hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:


Well we've tried humane traps, we've had the council round to put poison down, and now we're trying sonic thingies. My boyfriend's mum has lent me one, but it's an outdoors one so I'm only plugging it in when I'm not in the room, so I don't give myself a brain haemmorhage or something! Trying to flush the little gits outta my bedroom.

landlord's bring some indoor ones over tomorrow to see if they work. heard mixed reviews. Fingers crossed, and I'll let you know if they work!

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i have been letting out my cat to my neighbours, as far as im aware she has gone from 5 houses to the left movend in and out of a few houses and is now 4 houses to the right, she often visits my neighbours too, she is an outdoor cat (hates being indoors unless there somehting to kill) and seems happy with her little job, keeps here away from tomcats anyways, i used to live in an area with a real mouse issue she would bring in between 3 and 8 mice a night! thats why i got rid of my cat flap.


my big old housecat has found a new lease of life since the flood, he's so proud of himself, he's now got 3 mice, only taken him 8 years to learn to hunt hehe.


if you dont want mice get a cat, if you want to get rid of rats find someone with a jack russel they are the most efficient rat catchers in the world, my friend who works ona farm in scotland has one and she single handedy deals with the rat problem


some people may think it cruel but tis nature, and you cant argue with mother nature she's a lot bloomin bigger than you

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when i lived in netheredge on the third floor of a house we had mice, i hate em. poison aint the best way, we killed 2, but one was under the skirting boards and the other ended up in the laundry basket, my girlfriend didnt enjoy finding him..


We've moved now and I though I saw another one couple weeks back. I definetly saw a rat the other day in cafe garden below us! I'm not sure what to do about that but with the mice.. its zero tolerance I'm afraid.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I had a problem with some mice last year,when they're not in my house they're cute but inside my house and not so cute. I tried the humane traps and caught several but they are not only persistant but prolific and after a few nights of listening to yet more of the little monsters having a party under my kitchen units I decided to get tough. Several strategically placed containers of poison and voila no more mice.

Guess what I heard tonight?

I'm not happy and this time I'm taking no prisoners the mice have got to go.

Max my dog can't understand why every now and then I'm getting up from the computer, walking through to the kitchen and then kicking the bottom of the cupboards, I'm sure I'm going grey.

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