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Does anybody remember outside toilets in back to back houses

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Talking about oil lamps & buckets.We had a little parrafin lamp in our bedroom because we had no electric on the attic where we slept.One night we were messing about ,my 3 brothers & i & one of my brothers knocked over the lamp & the parrafin spilled out & set the floor on fire.Quick as lightening my older brother acted. He threw the contents of the pee-bucket on it.It put the fire out but boy what a stink it left. This was followed by good hidings all round for all concerned.

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do i remember,that would be our 2nd port of call, running away fm Fullwood homes 1st place to sleep would be the anderson shelter's, but i spent many a night two to a seat &one sleeping standing up in the corner

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In the early 70s I lived for several months in one of a set of 10 back to backs called Stone Terrace in Stweart road, off Sharrow Vale Road (long since demolished and replaced). It was quite an experience and I do remember the outside loo down the path. Needless to say I kept a chamber pot for night use...


However,coming from tropical Queensland, I was used to having an outside loo (called a dunny by Australians), and it was quite a trek from the house. There was a metal pan under the seat, which was collected once a week by the Sanno Man (from the word sanitary) as we called him. I've had the experience of being on the seat when the little back door was opened and the pan taken out and replaced!! We used torn up paper, and sprinkled sawdust on the results after using it.

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Do you remember the women of each house in the yards having to empty the chamber pot every morning.


The long trek from the house to the outdside crapper must have been an unsavoury job but they did it without any complaints.


Does anyone also remember the little oil lamps that were left burning in the toilet to avoid them freezing up?


Happy Days????

I work on the railways and we still use them in winter at remote places E.G. hope valley ,casleton :headbang:
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Would those oil lamps be 'Tilley' lamps?

I remember on VE night, having a bonfire in the backyard of the houses on 'little' Hayward Road. It was big enough at the beginning, but when the clubs and boozers turned out extra fuel appeared like magic. The toilets were in a line at the bottom of the yard, about 10 feet from the bonfire. In no time at all the doors were smouldering, one or two actually caught fire, and some kitchen window panes cracked. Great night that was.

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