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Road Crossing

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Something that jumped to mind when reading the washing hands.


I have two kiddies under 5 and have to take my time to explain to them why it isn't a good idea to just walk across the road and that they should wait at a crossing until the green man lights up.


At which point some inconsiderate and STUPID person waltzes across the road.


How many times have you crossed the road when a parent is teaching their children road safety??


Moon Maiden

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I've crossed a couple of times when a parent is teaching a child how to cross the road and I can honestly say that I wait for them and cross with them even if the road is clear (and has been for ages).


It might mean waiting around a bit, but I'm generally not someone who's in a rush to get from one place to another.


However, when I'm on my own (walking to work) for example, I cross when it's safe to do so, whether it's at a crossing or not.


Remember folks, just because you're at a crossing and the man is on green doesn't mean it's safe to cross! :)

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I have just succeeded in getting my nearly 2 year old to hold my hand before he steps out into the road.


I agree, road safety is one of the most important things you can teach your children, and if you see people ignoring the Green Cross Code when you're trying to do so, then serve them up as an example of what not to do..I imagine you did this already.


I would like to see better and more speed control in built up residential areas. Where I am, drivers simply stomp on the accelerator between road humps, and stand on the brake at the last minute. Very dangerous on a double parked street full of children playing.


If it was up to me, I would elect to try out the dutch model in these kind of areas, with designated parking bays and chicanes, and bye laws that give pedestrians right of way over everything else.


Our cities are built around convenience for cars, which seems to be entirely the wrong way to go about things.

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Remember folks, just because you're at a crossing and the man is on green doesn't mean it's safe to cross!


There is a section at Hillsborough crossing with the tram gates and such. There is no left turn for vehicles coming from Middlewood road heading into the city centre.....you try telling some motorists that when you attempt to cross at the green man and have to pull yourself back because some idiot has decided to either ignore it!! Then they get all irate at the pedestrians for getting in the way??? :evil: :evil:


The times I have suffered from heart failure as I yank back the pram from the path of a stupid motorist just doesn't bear thinking about.


Also nearly got run over by some stupid women who is colour blind..wonder if that should come in for identifying a red light in the driving test??


Moon Maiden

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I don't know. They are pushing for more Lollipop ladies though because parents are complaining!


I was subjected to adult stupidity only this afternoon. Some stupid bint with a dog who clearly saw me stood there getting my two year old to press the button.


"no we don't cross the road until the green man is on do we? No only STUPID people do that" :evil::D


Moon Maiden

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