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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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I forgot to ask Kaza, are you still taking the Champix or did you only take the half a pack? I think it helps to take them for the 12 weeks if you can. Good luck.


Hey, I only have 5 days left of Champix finishing the rest of the packet from when i stopped last time as I stopped taking them with 4 weeks to go.... stupid i wish i had just finished them the last time, I agree think it would defo help! Anyway so far so good been out all w/e drinking and and only had passing thoughts of smoking. I'm back to Scotland on Friday for a hol, which will be good too, as no way am i freezing myself by standing outside smoking :D


We can do it this time :)

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Thanks Eclipse and well done to you. I started WW this Monday so am planning to do both together as still not lost the weight I put on last time and don't want to gain any more! I'm hoping I'll be too busy counting points to think about smoking!


Kaza, why don't you ask your doctor for some more pills, they are obviously working so I'm sure they would give you another 12 week course, mine have.

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Hi Gemini, Going to try and do it cold turkey after tablets, taking 1 tablet a day to make them last longer.... :) Fingers crossed still hating the smell when I walk by people in the street so hopefully.

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Hi Everyone, Sorry I just disaperred off the radar - I haven't kill anyone or jumped off a cliff in a fit of CHAMPIX rage :P

I took everyones advice and cut the dose and that seemed to work. I checked with the doc and she said that was fine. I have now stopped taking them all together and am just using will power. The Champix helped me over the hump and now it's all up to me. I did have a tiny set back on St.Paddys day - I had a couple of halfs of Guiness and got tempted. I bought a pack and had 2 drags of one and threw it away and gave the pack to a friend. It had been on my mind a lot and I think that having those 2 drags was all I needed to tell me I don't want to smoke any more - phew! It's 7 weeks now - by far the longest I've been for years.


I'd like to say good luck to everyone - This forum has helped so much - Thanx for starting it Jabber - I'm sure it'll continue to help many more people to come. I'll post every now and then just to let you know how I'm getting on

Take care and happy quitting everyone :)

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I would agree with Kirkland about the 2 drags confirming the wish to not smoke. I did the same on my first 2 days of stopping - I got to early evening and had no will power. Had a couple of drags and put it straight back out again. It tasted disgusting and it's that taste that reminds me how awful smoking is.

Good luck everyone



Last ciggie 12/1/09

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Day 14 of the pill, day 3 off the cigs.


I wouldn't call it true craving but I keep getting these moments of realising there is something missing - a bit like going out wearing one slipper and one shoe - you realise something is wrong but you aren't quite sure what!


To add insult to injury, Easter is here and I can't have an easter egg because I am trying to lose weight and I can't have a fag cos I have stopped. So I can't console myself against the loss of an egg with a fag or console myself with chocolate against the loss of a fag!

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Day 14 of the pill, day 3 off the cigs.


I wouldn't call it true craving but I keep getting these moments of realising there is something missing - a bit like going out wearing one slipper and one shoe - you realise something is wrong but you aren't quite sure what!


To add insult to injury, Easter is here and I can't have an easter egg because I am trying to lose weight and I can't have a fag cos I have stopped. So I can't console myself against the loss of an egg with a fag or console myself with chocolate against the loss of a fag!


Wow!! You poor thing. I say just have the Easter Egg. You have already done so much. I'm sure one will not hurt. Good luck!!

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