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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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Hi ali781, yes I am still here, I just pop in every few days and catch up on the recent posts.

Well done on your 10 weeks, I am now on 12 weeks, I still struggle at times, but most of the time it is easier.

Keep going everyone, it will get easier, and it will be worth it!!

You're all doing really well.

And to those that are struggling..Never give up giving up!!!


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Hi Ali, Shaz & all

I'm still here. Day 12 today and still nothing! I'd taken the 'wait until the tablets kick in' route but now I'm starting to panic. :help: I'm sleeping for England still but I've been doing that for weeks now. This morning I turned off the alarm at 6.30, next thing I knew a reminder went off on my phone and woke me up - it was 8am. I start work at 8am 35 miles away - oops!!


Fingers crossed some miracle will happen over the week end.


A Huge pat on the back to everyone on here, you're all doing really well. :thumbsup:

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N-joi, we set our quit day as day 10, as it was a monday and i didnt want to stop at the weekend. As it happens, i hardly smoked over the weekend before, just wasn't really interested. I guess it doesn't matter if you take 8 days or 28 days, as long as the end result is the same and you quit! I'm not sure there is any side effects from taking longer for the pills to kick in, but I'm sure I read on this thread somewhere that someone took longer than the 14 days...

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Hi Lyn. Don't panic, the tablets will work, just wait, keep taking them, you've been around here long enough to know that it takes a little longer for some people than others.

The tiredness goes after a while, read back over old posts, just think about the benefits when you are a non smoker. Use the site as a support network.

You wil be fine, just hang in there and have faith in the pills.

Shaz xxx

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Well done all I was speaking with a family member from NSW he was nearly a 100 a day smoker he started Champix thinking yeah right he smoked up till day 28 and is now 3 months smoke free he had smoked for 50 years he said to me he used to envy ppl would could stop and thought it would never happen for him, he is so happy and said he will never smoke again.

So all those thinking of starting just starting or just quit there is a great life to be had once you kick this habit the fears are only excuses and when your there with the champix its so easy for most.


Take care all and never give up giving up!!


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Either everyone is really doing super-well or the ones that are struggling are not posting. :D


I like your attitude, Mixxy. Hang in there. Somewhere your love-life and health issues will both be in perfect line enough for you to quit.


Be patient, Lyn. After all, you've waited long enough for the Champix.


Nice story, diggerd. :)


Have I read incorrectly or do we now have two couples quitting together? My recollection is that both Demons and both Smokies are packing it in?

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Morning all :D


Well the gunge is finally coming up and Ive made the 4 week mark :banana: I cant believe it! In only 4 weeks I have not smoked 625 fags I cant believe that either..

I do hope my OH can get some Champix then we will be a non smoking home.


Have a nice weekend and stay smoke free :)

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Morning all :D


Well the gunge is finally coming up and Ive made the 4 week mark :banana: I cant believe it! In only 4 weeks I have not smoked 625 fags I cant believe that either..

I do hope my OH can get some Champix then we will be a non smoking home.


Have a nice weekend and stay smoke free :)


:thumbsup: well done smoky jo on reaching 4 weeks you must be so proud of yourself, my OH says if the champix works he will try it too, but wants too see how I go 1st, i too would like a smoke free home, just think how much less house work will need to be done, No more yellowing curtains, sofa's etc, that's got to be another benefit.. Right??

It's day 3 for me taking the champix and the only thing i have noticed is I've lost my appetite, I could quite happily go without food, but force myself when taking the pills to avoid nausea.

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Hi everyone, My partner is also going to quit smoking but when he went to his doctors and asked for champix the doctor refused to prescribe him them, but offered him 24 hour nicorette patches instead. He is going to start his patches on sunday which will be my last day of the ciggies, but in all honesty i really am not smoking much at all i just dont fancy it!

I will let you know how we both get on, i just hope hubby can quit using the patches!!

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