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Smoky Jo

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Everything posted by Smoky Jo

  1. I thinks thats the trouble with me...I miss them and Im soooooo bored!! I only smoked for 39 years but I did get used to them little blighters It used to be nice lounging about after lunch or dinner with a fag or two and chatting away. Now the second Ive finished eating (to save the craving or the want coming on) myself and OH jump up and clear the table and wash up..how boring is that lol..We used to walk the dog and stop half way round for a sit down and a fag but not now so I look at the empty seat now and carry on walking lol.. Oh well tomorrows another day. Good luck everyone
  2. Great idea :hihi: Please can we start on my middle bit lol.. Hope everyones ok and having a nice day :)
  3. Hi Gemini, I last had a puff on the 12th Dec so really its 3 months.. Maybe its because I didnt stick to the dosage on Champix or that I didnt really want to give up and I quit just cause I had to. I dunno but I do know that I could happily light up now and enjoy every puff!! I hope its different for you as earlier you seemed so worried about quitting and the side effects but beside the odd puff you seem to be coping ok so good luck with it Stop worrying lol..were all different
  4. Guess what! So did I, but then thought to hell with this and cut the dosage in half and carried on taking them. I am not a wimp and Im sure your not so try again! On Thursday its 12 weeks smoke free for me Everyone is doing so well, I am proud of you all as I know how blooody hard it is but carry on as Im sure its worth it in the end. For some daft and stupid reason all week I could have killed for a cig and I really mean that. It has been tough and it doesnt help being at home all day with nowt to do but I have managed to keep off them and fingers crossed I will now stop using the excuse of " If I dont lose this weight soon Ill start smoking again". Keep up the good work peeps your all stars! Hey Quack soon be 12wks for you 2 mate :) Clever buggas aint we lol.. Well done Gemini your doing great and to everyone else : keep it up,
  5. Sorry to hear about Jabbers! Without him and this thread I would still be smoking my daft head off. He will be missed by all Happy smoke free Saturday all :) Gemini and Bill stop worrying lol..relax and let the Champix do the work. Just because myself and a few others are having the odd craving doesnt mean you will. Everybodys journey is different and lets face it I didnt complete the 12 week course or take the right number of Champix as the side effects were crappy..Good luck
  6. Hi Gemini, Well done for not smoking but stop worrying! Your doing really well so concentrate on staying smoke free and staying calm OH had lots of cravings when he stopped the Champix but he had only been on them for about 3 wks and smoke free for 10 days but he said the cravings were a lot milder then when he has tried to quit in the past. I had been on 1 blue pill a day for weeks as I found that 2 blues were sending me daft and I couldnt take the sleepless nights and the stinky wind . I then dropped to half a pill a day but still didnt sleep much and was still hyper so I stopped them altogether. I did crave a few times a day but after 39 yrs of smoking 20 to 30 a day I wonder maybe its more the habit I miss more than the smoking? Anyway Im still getting a few wobbles where I feel I could murder a cig but they are getting less. Everyone I speak to says so how long it is since you gave up its always like that and the fancying a cig bit never goes away Good luck to all the newby quitters and well done to all the regulars. Enjoy your trip Trish and Geoff and good luck ReeRee:)
  7. Morning Quack Well done Im 2 months and 2 weeks smoke free today without a single puff and I havent smoked 1888 cigs. Ive had no Champix for about 3 weeks now and Im still a bit hyper but Im back to sleeping again...the dogs knackered and the house is spotless and Im still putting weight on lol. . OH has gone about 5 weeks smoke free now and he only took the Champix for 3 weeks as he didnt like the side effects and the stinkyfarty things You sound great so well done you Waves to everyone and hopes your all ok :)
  8. Aw Thank You, takes a bow I never thought Ide make it to 2 months! Eclair welcome onboard and good luck Were all here for you Freetobreath I love seeing what peeps have spent the saved money on, Well done! and I hope your OH sticks to it and quits. Good luck being sent his way.. Berlin, 11 months thats awesome, well done I bet your sooo proud. Good luck Rustee, keep on trying for a puff free day, fingers X. Nanny H thats great news about your Sister and BIL, hope they do well.. Good luck to everyone
  9. Well done Quack :banana: I was 2 months last Thursday but no one noticed
  10. LOL your dead right its an awful word and nearly as bad as stump. I was crossing the park earlier and one kid said to the other "Stump us and Ill save you my chewy":gag: Have a good Sunday all and best of luck to the newer quitters, stay strong Jo XXX
  11. Aw Chrissy, dont beat yourself up. I,m sure you can do it and I wish you all the luck in the world. Good luck newbies to quitting. It seems so easy when your sat downing the Champix lol..Its once you stop taking them that it got harder for me. Have a good day all,, Jo, xx
  12. Just popping in to see how everyones doing and its looking good all round :) Its my 2 months smoke free anniversary today. I stopped the Champix nearly a week ago and admit I did have a few rough days but I survived and am sleeping much better now. I do still think of the little blighters a lot! Well done everyone and Hi and good luck to all the new quitters.. TC all, Jo X X X
  13. Hi All PMSL at little Molly, what a Star she is. Ive LOL for ages!!:D I keep weighing myself as well and surprisingly Im getting heavier and fatter and I hate it BUT its better than smoking she says as she tucks her spare tyres into her jeans.. Congrats and well done Ali on doing your 100 days , gawd it sounds like a prison sentence the way I said it I didnt mean it, honest. Champix is amazing but I dont understand how it can help to stop us all smoking but have totally different effects on us all. Ive been on it about 10 weeks I think but after about 3 wks I halved the dose and now I have stopped taking it altogether. Even on a half a blue pill a day I am still overactive, not sleeping and starving to death! I am also resenting the fact that I am hyper but I wont let OH do anthing in the house to help me out but Im peed off cause he isnt helping, how daft is that! Im also feeling very fat and piling weight on at an alarming rate Anyway I just hope Im able to keep fag free cause at the mo I could murder one and if I drum my fingers any harder on the desk I think I might break them lol..! Stay safe everyone especially our Upsidedowners. My cyber mate from Oz calls me that and it always makes me smile. My thoughts and prayers are with the families who have lost loved ones and homes. Jo, tc XXX
  14. Did he indeed???????? dunno I forgot cause the Champix made me do it :D Hi Wilbert, Rustee and all..Good luck with your quit. Were all a bit daft here but lovely with it. Jo X X X
  15. Well done and good luck Keep on reminding yourself of all the negative things about smoking and how it would really ruin your holiday and your health.
  16. Afternoon all, My headache is a lot better (nearly gone) and I think Lisa and the others are right about it being Champix withdrawel..I will stick with a half pill a day and see how things pan out.. Gemini, be careful that you arent setting yourself up to fail. You still dont sound ready to quit so why put yourself through it again. Would it not be better to have your holiday and really enjoy it without the worry and tensions of quitting smoking. Maybe when you come home and are all nicely relaxed you will feel different about quitting, also everyone says that Champix doesn't work as well the 2nd time round. I hope I dont sound negative as I really dont mean to but I do know how soul destroying it is to keep on failing. Best of luck which ever way you choose Theres too many of you to name now lol and your all doing great so a BIG for you all..
  17. Hi all :) Lovely day here today. Its 2 degrees with blue sky and sunshine and no snow.. Just popping in to see how everyones doing and it looks like your all doing great!! Quack your right about chopping em up Its too near to stopping them altogether now.. Ive dropped to a half a Champix a day now and seem fine except for a pain high up in my forehead, sorta like a headache but not quite. Seems strange as I dont get many headaches. Oh I wonder if Alis headache is caused by coming off them? Emma get well soon xxxxx Well done everyone, tc Jo X X X X
  18. I think you lot are brill!!! Ive had a crap hyperactive day with hardly any sleep last night and then I come here and read all your posts and feel soooooooooooo much better instantly.. Anyway Im fine, smoke free and a bit frazzled but otherwise ok. Im still trying to chop a 1/4 off of those little blue ratbags but so how I try the bit I chop off always seems to flirt across the bedroom and is gobbled up by the dog! Anyway she says to tell you shes ok and her cravings are getting less lol.. Well done to everyone who has quit, to anyone who is having a hard time it will get better and to anyone just starting out on the Champix journey read all the posts in this thread, relax and never be afraid to ask for help. We are all here for you. Well done everyone your all stars! Jo XXX Waves to my mate Quack Hope your ok Jo XXX
  19. Hi all , Just reading through to see how everyone is doing and your all doing fantastically well! Ali, I sometimes feel like it was easier at the beginning and I am still craving a few times a day so I suck humbugs lol. Im about 7 weeks smoke free now and Im having roughly 3/4 of a 1mg blue pill in the morning and none at tea time. Next week Ill drop to half a pill a day and see how I go. Im still not sleeping well and even though the Champix have been brilliant and done the job really well I will be soooooo glad when Im off of them. Im a bit scared of getting hooked on them if thats possible! My neighbours sister has been trying to wean herself off the inhalator for over 12 months now and cant seem to crack it. She uses it only about 3 or 4 times a day and admits she loves the hit it gives her but is sick of spending good money on the cartridge things and still being hooked on nicotine. Shes going to the docs next week to see if he can help her quit it for good. Good luck to you both and well done for quitting the fags!
  20. Hope everyones having a lazy Saturday :) I am cause its 6 deg windy and grey! brrrr its freezing lol Ophelia well done you girl and the necklace sounds gorgeous! Quack I quit on the 12th Dec and I think you were a few days after me. We are doing so well! Pats quack on the back Im glad you solved the pump and poo problem, Ive just looked on my sf mints and it says contains sorbitol and excessive consumption causes a laxative effect lol.. Well done to everyone and have a great weekend
  21. Dont waste your prescription as some doctors wont prescribe again for 6 months. Have a really good think about it and you will know when the time is right for you. Good luck a1housingexc, hope you sleep well. Fingers X for you.. Goodnight all and take care, Jo X X X
  22. Evening all Quack, I stayed off the sugar free mints today but its still windy down here Your doing great by the way.. a1housingexc, I hope you get a good nights sleep. Theres nothing worse and well done for not smoking, your doing great! Gemini, It sounds to me like your not ready to quit at the moment. The cravings wont kill you even though they are a bit unpleasant. Once you have fought off and won over your first few cravings you will feel on top of the world and so very proud of yourself. Be brave and give it a go . Were all here for you.. Sooooo glad that George is doing good. :) Great news!! Well done to everyone else. Your all doing great so carry on quitting and stay happy, Jo X X X
  23. Morning all, Jabbers so glad to hear your both quitting! Great stuff. Gemini Im still craving after 6 weeks or so. Not as often I admit but just as strong! I have been told that you never stop craving even years after you quit The lady in the Co Op has been smoke free for 13 months now and she said at times she could still murder one.. Welcome to red Jibber and any other new quitters I have missed. Good luck Free2breathe, dont give up. Just carry on as you can do it. Stay strong.. Have a good day all and tc, Jo xxx
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