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Jabberwocks Pond.

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Not anymore. Shes completely safe around it now, and its only 18 inches deep anyway. One thing its taught her is how to be safe around water.


The real danger from ponds are kids who dont know about them, they can wander into the garden to see, fall in and drown. We have to keep the gate locked.


Statistically more kids drown in ponds who dont actually live at the home where the pond is, we have to keep a close eye on her at the moment because of the casts on her legs- they make her clumsy but normally shes fine around the pond, she feeds the fish, helps clean it out, even takes pics of the plants and animals.

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Not anymore. Shes completely safe around it now, and its only 18 inches deep anyway. One thing its taught her is how to be safe around water.


The real danger from ponds are kids who dont know about them, they can wander into the garden to see, fall in and drown. We have to keep the gate locked.


Statistically more kids drown in ponds who dont actually live at the home where the pond is, we have to keep a close eye on her at the moment because of the casts on her legs- they make her clumsy but normally shes fine around the pond, she feeds the fish, helps clean it out, even takes pics of the plants and animals.


Yes, the statistic is true about kids drowning in other peoples pond. Worked in A & E for a while & remember them bringing a kid in who had fallen in a pond. He was blue all over, but luckily they saved him. Something like that stays in your mind.

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this weekend we have installed a pond in our back garden, nothing as flash as yours just a simple moulded round one about 3ft across, put some rocks in and some pond plants (pinched from my mum) and a pump and filter. Have also got some tadpoles and other little swimming bug things (again from my mum.

The kids love it and Lucie is quite happy to sit and watch the tadpoles swimming round! She things its great and I'm sure its healthier for her than watching TV. Will keep reading your posts to get ideas and advice. Thanks for going on and on about your pond.

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this weekend we have installed a pond in our back garden, nothing as flash as yours just a simple moulded round one about 3ft across, put some rocks in and some pond plants (pinched from my mum) and a pump and filter. Have also got some tadpoles and other little swimming bug things (again from my mum.

The kids love it and Lucie is quite happy to sit and watch the tadpoles swimming round! She things its great and I'm sure its healthier for her than watching TV. Will keep reading your posts to get ideas and advice. Thanks for going on and on about your pond.


Thats all the fish pond of mine is, a little moulded one. Its amazing how good they can look once the plants start to grow. I wouldnt put rocks into the pond though, and if you have lillies, make sure the pot is at the deepest part of the pond and the pond gets a lot of sunshine, then the lillies will grow nicely.



Get your camera out and lets see some pics of it through the year. Stick them on this thread if you want, we can give each other ideas.

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The ponds? They have a pump and filter, all you need to do is take the sponge out of the filter once each week and wash it in warm water, then scrub the pump inside and out.

The ponds look after themselves. S`easy!



I have a pond that is 8' by 4' by 3'deep.! i was told to clean the filter out twice a year..Once a week seems excessive to me.?



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have you thought about putting some strong metal mesh across the pond ... just in case. Better safe than sorry.


I love my pond - no fish though, its a wildlife pond. Currently have frogs, tadpoles, damsel flies, nymphs (!), boatman, leeches, shrimpy things and lots of other 'things'.


Here's some pictures - hope they work









Great pics mc55 :thumbsup:

What camera did you use? You certainly have an eye for a great photo!


Just to assuage Jabberwocky (in case I'm accused of going off-topic), I only have a small garden, but have set up a half-barrel pond with a solar-powered pump/fountain. Didn't take long for frogs to move in, and the birds love it for drinking and bathing.

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I have a pond that is 8' by 4' by 3'deep.! i was told to clean the filter out twice a year..Once a week seems excessive to me.?




I clean the sponge out once a week, the rest of it gets left. The sponge collects tons of crap and although there are snails eating it, it still builds up.

You may be right though, Im certainly no expert so Ill check up on it, theres a good chance that Im doing it wrong.

Thanks for the heads up.

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Great pics mc55 :thumbsup:

What camera did you use? You certainly have an eye for a great photo!


Just to assuage Jabberwocky (in case I'm accused of going off-topic), I only have a small garden, but have set up a half-barrel pond with a solar-powered pump/fountain. Didn't take long for frogs to move in, and the birds love it for drinking and bathing.


Any chance of pics of it? I can imagine that looks brilliant.

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Any chance of pics of it? I can imagine that looks brilliant.


You're honoured Jabbers, I've set up a Photobucket account just to share my pond pics with you :)





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