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Local Elections: How many people do you know would vote BNP?

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Noone I know would ever vote for the BMP and if they did so I wouldn't want to know of them ever again. The BMP uses people's miseries, their poverty, their disenchantment and their dispair to create a wedge between different ethnic groups.


If you're voting for parties like the BMP who spouse repatriation and even sending away to foreign countries people who've never set foot there but whose (great-grand)parents were from there, then why are you surprised when young British Muslims turn to terrorism? Of course they don't feel welcome and therefore are alienated!



This is exactly why I always use GIF's or JPEG's!!!

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I've done a quick analysis to see how the absence of a BNP candidate in Beighton this year affected the other party candidates. There was a marginally higher turnout this year and all the other four candidates (Lab, Con, LibDem, Green) got a higher vote than last year. The main beneficiaries, however, appear to have been Labour and the Conservatives who each received around 350 votes more than last time.

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I voted BNP & also know loads who did that are proud not ashamed they did. The only way to drag this once great country out of the mess its in under 10 years of Labour & Tony B-liar, & NO I dont class myself as racist, just Patriotic.... and ENGLISH!

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I voted BNP & also know loads who did that are proud not ashamed they did. The only way to drag this once great country out of the mess its in under 10 years of Labour & Tony B-liar, & NO I dont class myself as racist, just Patriotic.... and ENGLISH!


BNP stands for BRITISH National Party, perhaps in future it should rename itself ENGLISH National Party, or ENP? I only suggest this because of growing comments from many people who no longer wish to describe themselves as British.

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I voted BNP & also know loads who did that are proud not ashamed they did. The only way to drag this once great country out of the mess its in under 10 years of Labour & Tony B-liar, & NO I dont class myself as racist, just Patriotic.... and ENGLISH!


In which case you should do a bit more research on the BNP, which is run by racists, fascists and Jew-haters who will tell you anything to get your vote. They just love exploiting the discontent of people like you to get votes and power - it's all they care about.

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their are 9 things we whent in far is no tax on cars ,no tv licencences,phasing out income tax,deportation of foreign criminals,action against corruption local councils,protect our homes without fear,eviction of trouble makers on ourestates,and restoring the family income tax to £20,000 and then pay tax what is wrong with that

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I know this isn't exactly the BNP thread (or megathread) - but this is related to local elections. I've just been reading their local manifesto and it has some interesting things in it. Theres quite a lot of odd ideas (creating local micro-currencies???) but this one makes sense:

The imposition of “equal opportunities” quotas is both unfair on the majority who are discriminated against, and condescending to capable members of ethnic minorities who are seen as having obtained jobs on account of their colour rather than their personal abilities. Council run “equal opportunities” policies encourage racial tensions and deny the taxpaying public the right to have the best people doing the jobs for which we have to pay. BNP-run councils will move on from racist quotas and discrimination and become “Best Possible” Employers, hiring the best-qualified and -suited person possible for each job, regardless of their ethnic origins.
Its something I agree with, although I'm not neccesarily convinced it happens in the first place; what confuses me though is that the next paragraph is
We will examine closely the licensing policies of the council in relation to taxi and minicab businesses to ensure that the ownership of such firms and the supply of drivers bears the closest possible relationship to the average make-up of the local population. This will also apply to other areas of trade where a BNP council has control of licensing including the sale of alcohol, market trading and late hours catering services.
I read this to mean they want to have the licenses kebab shops, taxis and other businesses typically run by 'ethnic minorities' given only on a discriminatory basis.


So yes, they are opposed to discrimination completely when it comes to hiring employees for councils, but when it comes to the self-employed, they are going to discriminate based on the local populations ethnic makeup.


Yes, makes a lot of sense :)

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BNP stands for BRITISH National Party, perhaps in future it should rename itself ENGLISH National Party, or ENP? I only suggest this because of growing comments from many people who no longer wish to describe themselves as British.


There might be something in that. ;)

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