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School Children's Finger Prints Taken Without Consent!

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Schools in the UK are fingerprinting and photographing children from primary school age without infoming parents or even considering asking for permission, all this is done undercover and kept quiet just for purposes of keeping track..??



At one primary school children were told "Lets play the game of spies. Its just a game, so theres no need to tell your parents." They were then split up into groups of five or six and every single child was fingerprinted and photographed. We feel this is an appalling breach of trust by the school in question.



Remarkably, there appears to be no attempt to record the spread of school biometric surveillance by any government agency. Considering the many health-and-safety rules which prevent a child from engaging in virtually any school activity without laborious form-filling and written parental permission being sought, this is clearly an absurd situation. The fact that secrecy is surrounding so much of this activity lends the entire process a sinister aura which must be dispelled.



10 Things You Need To Know About Primary/Secondary Schools Fingerprinting Our Children




If you have any doughts about this HELP by signing the petition here




This is important, if you want control of a nation you start with those least likley to object fight or understand your motives...


They will willingly accept ID cards, iris scans fingerprinting, x-ray machines without question.


Freedom such as we have will be a memory, until that is destroyed dont laugh its happening right now get you head out of the sand for a minute and look around.


Forget the sport, the TV, the other distractions, and do something REALLY important...



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Technology is going that way and there's nothing we can do to stop it.. have your children done something wrong? are they hiding from the police? in not what s the problem please?


by the time the kids are our age, nearly everything will be finger print


people dont like change its nothing to do withthe kids, just an excuse to moan about something else (OP not you just people in general)

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Technology is going that way and there's nothing we can do to stop it.. have your children done something wrong? are they hiding from the police? in not what s the problem please?


by the time the kids are our age, nearly everything will be finger print


people dont like change its nothing to do withthe kids, just an excuse to moan about something else (OP not you just people in general)


I'm not sure what scares me more, the whole biometrics/database/ID card thing, or the complacency of attitudes like this.

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