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Interview at Royal Hallamshire

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Hi, here's a few tips...


First impressions – walk in confidently, look at the panel and smile. You will be directed to your seat and probably be introduced to each panel member. Sit in a relaxed position and don’t fidget!


Evidence – the panel will probably be looking for the following evidence:

•Your past experience and achievements – this will be the bulk of the interview and its important to have thought about key examples you want to use

•Your personal attributes and behaviours – both your behaviour in the interview and evidence you provide from past experience

•Your future potential and aspirations – reasons for wanting this role and your expectations for future progression


Questions – the panel will probably ask questions which are designed to give you the opportunity to show you are the right person for this role. Questions will answer the following broad headings:

•Can you do the job? (your knowledge, skills, abilities and experience relevant to the job in question)

•Will you do the job? (what motivates you and interests you about the job)

•Will you fit in? (to the organisation, its culture and the specific team you will be joining)

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Alot of places now also ask questions about how you see your career developing (check out the prospects for promotion and types of higher grade positions within the organisation) and some go with the terrible "what are your weaknesses/strengths" type questions (best have something in mind just in case!).

Also worth having a few questions of your own to ask them about further training opportunities/ chances to take on extra tasks /learn new skills etc.

good luck!

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If they state they are an equal opportunities employer then the questions should all be based on the person specification and job description. Its a good idea to identify what appears important from the information you've been sent and draw up some possible questions that they might ask. If they have mentioned any testing, it may be using a pc to check the standard of your work.


You will have been shortlisted on the information you put in your application form, so work round that for starters.

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