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The Bayerische Socks Knitalong Thread


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...I'm accused of being miserable when I disappear to "MY" chair in the bedroom. There's a lot to be said for being single!!

The bloke's very understanding of my knitting foibles. It's been perfect outdoor knitting weather lately, so I take my pattern and bulldog clip it to a bag, and the bloke has his laptop and strange work-related gubbins, which keep us both happy for several hours of lounging around outside. We're easily amused :hihi: .

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Just spotted a couple of errors in the pattern. They're pretty obvious when you get to the place in the pattern, but just in case, I've amended them in my copy:

Gussets and foot:


With right side facing, pick up and knit 16 sts along the adjacent slipped stitch selvedge. Work Row 2 of Chart D1 across next 7 sts. K1tbl. Work Row 2 of Chart A across next 9 sts. K1tbl. Work Row 2 of Chart B across next 14 sts. K1tbl. Work Row 2 of Chart C across next 19 sts [should be 9, not 19 sts, and there should by a 'K1tbl' after these nine stitches and before working Row 2 of chart D2] . Work Row 2 of Chart D2 across next 7 sts. PM for new end-of-round (yes, this "round" is only a partial round).

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I'm afraid to say that i might be giving in :blush: i've been having a bit of a go at it just now (not getting very far) and this pattern is a pain! I'm not really enjoying it and so i may be finding some other socks to knit with this CTH yarn.

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I'm afraid to say that i might be giving in :blush: i've been having a bit of a go at it just now (not getting very far) and this pattern is a pain! I'm not really enjoying it and so i may be finding some other socks to knit with this CTH yarn.

Oh no! :( . But I agree; if you're not enjoying knitting them, then don't carry on. The whole point is to enjoy what you knit, not to endure it :) . The CTH could be put to better use on a pattern you're going to like knitting.


What do you fancy instead? The Hedera socks look great in a plain yarn, and I reckon Pomatomus would look good in plain too (not that I'm pushing Cookie's patterns or anything :hihi:).


EDIT: How about Widdershins? Cables, but less fiddly ones. Turra made these a while back, I think.

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Thats true! and i am enduring it at the minute. :(


They're all lovely! I like pomatomus very much so thats definitely a possibility! I haven't quite got enough yarn though (going on yardage) with one skein though, so if turra hasn't fallen out with me for bowing out ;) i may still need to go halves? :)

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That will be fine Rooty. I could even be joining you. Sat last night for an hour or so and knitted up to row 8 then unpicked it to row 5 because of a dropped stitch. Re-knit to row 8 and felt thoroughly fed up with the pattern. I'll do another repeat of the 8 rows and see how I feel. Though at the moment if I didn't pick it up again I wouldn't be sorry. I'll post a picture later on if I get the chance.

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Well I had a go at unpicking the rows that were wrong as I didnt want to have to do the increase row again and had trouble (probably tension related as I couldnt get my needle into the stitches) so have decided to rip it back and start again. I have redone 3 rows of the ribbing a bit looser and intend making sure that row 14 is loose so that the increase row isnt so difficult. Ho hum - I refuse to be beaten by a blooming sock.

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I inserted a lifeline after the ribbing as i didn't want to be doing that again, and after the increase row. Came in handy while i was having a go at the thing. Though i've definitely decided that i'm giving in. I'll maybe tackle them another year! :lol:

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