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The New Sheffield Graffiti Thread


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And he lord did say "thou shalt not make thy mark upon they neighbours property, nor should thou express thyself through the medium of spraypaint unless thou has permission from thy council and thou does something nice and colourfull that ads to thy comunity in a possitive way"


LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:


Nick2, that was quility at its best!

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Hey I’m just tidying up the miss-information spouted by brain-dead nobodies who think there way is some kind of cultural struggle, when in fact its nothing but a criminal act.


be as childish as you like, but making fun of legitimate responses only serves solidify peoples opinion of you, and it probably helps show others what a bunch of juvenile numpties you all are. Because thinking that defacing someone’s property without their consent is justified is nothing more than a child’s point of view. I know 5 year olds with better social skills!

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When graffiti painting is done without the property owner's consent, it can be considered vandalism simple, which is punishable by the law. If the law was ever changed to make graffiti legal, then I for one would respect that as it would be law.


so does this mean you would start painting graffiti?

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I know 5 year olds with better social skills!


Get them online then, perhaps they can contribute to the discussion ?


(assuming they're not busy drawing on the wallpaper)

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Hey I’m just tidying up the miss-information spouted by brain-dead nobodies who think there way is some kind of cultural struggle, when in fact its nothing but a criminal act.


be as childish as you like, but making fun of legitimate responses only serves solidify peoples opinion of you, and it probably helps show others what a bunch of juvenile numpties you all are. Because thinking that defacing someone’s property without their consent is justified is nothing more than a child’s point of view. I know 5 year olds with better social skills!




Serapis, i want an honest answer here......



.....if you knew my full name and address, and you knew exactly what i did (graffiti).... would your report me to receive a grand?

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only cool people break laws. im sure your not perfect serapis, and at the end of the day there are much much worse issues surround out society, much worse! Why dont you put your time and effort into an issue thats more important.

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only cool people break laws. im sure your not perfect serapis, and at the end of the day there are much much worse issues surround out society, much worse! Why dont you put your time and effort into an issue thats more important.


Said like a true jerk! Committing a blatant criminal act such as vandalism has no defensible position.


Trotting out the "there are much worse crimes" is worthless. Try pulling that line on a policeman if you get pulled over and see what happens.


The point is you do not have the right to pick the laws you wish to abide by, simple, a child can understand that why cant you!

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