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Matrix Climbing Wall at Sheff Uni

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The Matrix is just a bouldering wall with hand holds and a crash mat, so there's no need for any ropes. It's about 3.5 or 4 metres high and had some overhangs etc. There is a good selection of routes from beginners to more advanced. You can climb it okay with just trainers, although rock boots definitely make a difference. I took up climbing about 3-4 months ago and bought some rock boots after a month.


The Works is undoubtedly better overall as it has far more climbing surface area and routes. I think the Matrix is more suited to beginners though. The easy routes at the Matrix are easier than those at the Works, and the walls at the Works are just plywood, whereas the Matrix walls are manufactured to be more like real rock faces.


I go to the Works more often, but I visit the Matrix occasionally too.



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As ox says, its just a room with textured 'wall-esque' features. Maybe 12 foot high, and big crashmat style flooring to land on. No equipment needed, except talon like hands and grippy trainers.


Is nice, cheap, and good for newbies looking for an intro to climbing.


The foundary and edge, btw, also have climbing walls. Just as climbingworks is only a bouldering centre. However, routes are considerably harder for a newbie starting out than at the matrix.


Hope this helps.


(Ps, missus and I go bouldering/climbing, admittedly her more than I, so if you want to come along, let me know via pm).


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Thanks for the offer bigchris. We'll be going bouldering on our own me thinks coz that sounds easy enough, but might take up your offer about the climbing so you can show us the ropes (pun fully intended ;))


So this may sound like a strange/stupid question...but doesn't bouldering get boring very quickly? It sounds like you just climb up and down a bit and thats it? over very quickly?....or do u just keep challenging yourself with different routes?

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Thanks for the offer bigchris. We'll be going bouldering on our own me thinks coz that sounds easy enough, but might take up your offer about the climbing so you can show us the ropes (pun fully intended ;))


So this may sound like a strange/stupid question...but doesn't bouldering get boring very quickly? It sounds like you just climb up and down a bit and thats it? over very quickly?....or do u just keep challenging yourself with different routes?


Go and try the bouldering, see how many routes you can manage and then see if you find it boring and easy!


First time you go you will struggle to complete one or two of the easy routes. Don't fool yourself that it sounds easy because you need less equipment. If I were you I would take up the offer of someone to show you around as it's not just about climbing up, technique is very important.


Rope climbing - I would strongly recommend doing a beginner course at the Edge or Foundry opposed to learning from someone you meet on the forum (no offence Chris :)) . Safety is extremely important there for yourself and others. If you don't tie your knots properly you could go plummeting down. The course will also include equipment hire and ensure you learn properly and are safe before let loose on the wall.

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