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Good Things To Say About Sheffield Police

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  • 2 weeks later...

just to keep you all updated. the burgler was given bail and curfewed as i said - he then skipped bail. About 3 weeks later he was caught again, and for some reason which I don't understand, given bail again, and guess what, he skipped bail again - that's the latest, he hasn't been caught since he last skipped bail. But am i right in thinking its the judge that grants bail not the police?

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The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) will (in the case of repeat offenders) generally request either bail with conditions, or a remand in custody. However, their defence solicitor will fight against it, for unconditional bail etc. The magistrate or judge will make that decision.

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  • 1 month later...

just to keep everyone updated, our burgler has been sentanced to 4 months imprisonment. His assistant has been sentanced to a 12 month rehabilitation order and has to pay us compensation.


Once again, I am impressed with the police's actions with this case and they have done a very good job of keeping us informed.

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Are you kidding me? My boyfriend had his car broken into, fortunatley they didn't manage to take anything. The police came but didn't even bother to have a good look at his car never mind take prints. They didn't even look inside the car, it was the next morning before we realised they'd tried to get the stereo out. Do me a favour, they haven't done him any. Kids seem to get away with anything and the police appear powerless against them!!

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well i was only speaking of my own experiences which have been of the Hammerton Road division and the Sheffield Magistrates Court. Of course not everyone can be having great experiences with the police, and i'm sure there is room for improvement, but other than prevent the crime in the first place, I think the police did a good job in our case.

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Guest poppins
Originally posted by HarrietStar

Well, we were burgled not so long ago, which was nice. But id just like to say what a good service the police gave. I recieved a nice information pack with free stickers for windows and a invisable pen thing to write my postcode on things and today i recieved a letter explaining about what had happened to the people who they caught. it was all very comforting.


so a big thank you to the Hamerton Road police, you were great, thank you!


Whats an invisable pen ? sounds interesting, what do you have to do with it ?

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Originally posted by markham

Someone watching their every move. People ready to bombard them with complaints every time one of them looks to be over-enthusiastic with an arrest, irrespective of how much of a kicking the villain is handing out. Stupid judges undoing all their hard work. Lack of manpower. Accusations of racism. Social workers. The list goes on!


Not to mention the paperwork.

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