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Tony Blair - The best Prime Minister Great Britain has ever had?

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Yorkie if you think that was personal then you have lived a shelterd life mate.

I woul'd guess that you are no older than 20 at the most and that is not being nasty.

You seem to think that the torys are the devil incarnate,well their not new labour win that one hands down.

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He just quoted a Private message that was sent to him by the mods.


Obviously he doesnt mind people knowing what was in it, so the fact hes been warned for a personal attack in another thread has nowt to do with it.. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by RPG

He just quoted a Private message that was sent to him by the mods.


Obviously he doesnt mind people knowing what was in it, so the fact hes been warned for a personal attack in another thread has nowt to do with it.. :rolleyes:


It wasn't sent by "the mods" - it was sent by you as abuse.

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Originally posted by royjames

Yorkie if you think that was personal then you have lived a shelterd life mate.

I woul'd guess that you are no older than 20 at the most and that is not being nasty.

You seem to think that the torys are the devil incarnate,well their not new labour win that one hands down.



I do not think of was personal at all - I welcome a good debate as I find alternative views fascinating.


I was merely quoting from a PM that RPG sent to abuse me.


You're correct, I do believe that Tories are the devil incarnate and riddled with corruption.


I believe that had it not been for the formation of the Labour Party 100 years ago, the people of Sheffield would still be living in the absolute squalor that their forefathers did. There would certainly be no NHS or Health and Safety at work.


I believe that people who vote for the Tory Party are gullible fools - unless they have assets approaching £1,000,000. I believe that the Tory Party is riddled with corrupt people who would sell their own mother for power. They even stab their own leaders in the back when it suits them


Read local political history pre 20th Century - There was no Labour Party to blame then.

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Originally posted by royjames


I would guess that you are no older than 20 at the most and that is not being nasty.



Yes it is being nasty - and arrogant.


People of any age have views.


The idea of a forum is to air those views.

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On the whole I like Blair. If Labour had not changed their ways they would never have been elected and that is what they needed to do. Labour are beating the Tories at their own game and they do not know what to do.


Blair knows the only way to keep the Tories out is to keep wrong

footing them with policies they do not know how to argue against.

However, watch out for the Liberals they may sneak up on the inside when nobody is looking.

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Originally posted by dilwise


Labour are beating the Tories at their own game and they do not know what to do.


Blair knows the only way to keep the Tories out is to keep wrong

footing them with policies they do not know how to argue against.


I agree.

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Originally posted by mojoworking


It's a sentiment I agree with personally, but your simplistic, dogmatic approach won't win you any friends here Yorkie mate :)




If I used message boards to win friends then I would rightly be considered a low life.

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